
Renowned theater actor and demon who opens the portal to another dimension resulting in Buffy’s untimely death.

I think she is shortsighted - but Donald won’t let her wear glasses. (Mostly because I hate Donald, but it does look like a more attractive version of my ‘I have lost my glasses in the bedroom!’ early morning squint).

No, just Pandora’s Mouth at this stage. The Box is phase II.

Yes. And not even anywhere close to the border. It’s very safe. Good positioning for zombie apocalypse also.

So Dad, your daughter was the target of a predator and now it is Clinton’s fault and you regret voting for her. You are an idiot and you anger is not where it should be.

Kate Hudson has great insight too.

Am I missing something or is Lilohan the least interesting/clever name she could have chosen? I mean, I’ve just been calling her new deal EuroLilo, so I’m nobody to complain. But come on.

Yes, but I think you meant caramel brulee latte.

So the guy perpetrates the violence and then blames the woman for not preventing it? (Checks all of human history.) YUP! CHECKS OUT!

I got something similar only it was about my wife cheating on me. It was very elaborate with so-called “proof” that included photos of her and this other guy and text messages exchanged between them and stuff. The weirdest part about the scam was that they didn’t even ask for money, just some made up claim of “I’d

You win a star, good sir, but more importantly you have won my heart.

All I’m sayin’ yo.

i don’t understand the public school, do they think the doctors are gonna get confused and try to abort a kindergartner?!?!

I love it when the courts perform late term abortions on laws that clearly pose a danger the lives of mothers everywhere.

Poisoned candy/tylenol kills innocent people = a permanently changed nation

For me, it is beside this very article. :(

The seagull in this gif is my hero.

really really really wanna chicken tik a tik ahhhhh

Yeah, at what point does this become brown-face? Because seeing the before and afters makes me feel uncomfortable.