
A few years ago I was starting a company and I got some advice that I should get a staunchy looking old white guy to partner with me to ‘look the part.’ So I commenced with interviewing those well-qualified to fill that roll, I didn’t specifically ask for old white guys but when you say you’re hiring a CEO for a

Not enough, Tina! For shame! For shame!

Confession: I was dancing to MMMBop in my kitchen last night. By choice. Sometimes I tell people it's because my kids like it. They don't.

Rock needs to meet my Chinese tween - all 4'5" of emo scorn and wrath. She loves to tell people she hates math.

I’ve noticed that some discourse on diversity in the US seems to see it exclusively in terms of black and white, no pun intended. Not all, obviously, and excluding issues and discussions that are specifically about discrimination and persecution of African Americans. /a WOC who is neither black or American

That picture...holy shit.

Oh, I can almost guarantee that these 30 students will be voting.

There are so many people/institutions who should be required to apologise to these students, I’ve lost count. The university. The Trump campaign. The people who stood by and did nothing. The Secret Service.

Cela est une quantité suffisante d’ Internet pour aujourd’hui. Je vais prendre un verre de vin rouge.

I’m bracing myself for angry comments haha. My experience is that it’s wrong for atheists to believe as fervently in secularism as religious folks do in their religiosity.

Can we refer to this place as a “Boooooooooooo-k store”?

There are only three groups that count as people in this country: corporations, fetuses and white men.

Watching Moosemeat and Marmalade right now! The shellfish episode.

I am writing today, to voice my concern and outrage over the increasing homeless and drug punctuation problem that the city is faced with. I’ve been living in plaguing SF for over three years, and without a doubt it is the worst it has ever been. Every day, on my way to, and from work, I see people commas sprawled

Maybe he has a penile fontanelle?

“MP Detained Under Section 2 of Mental Health Act Following Ridiculous Gun Tweet- He’d Been At the Sherry And Rewatching The Sopranos Reveals Embarrassed Wife.”


The nose blindness part of those commercials are really weird. No one would treat actual blindness like that. You’d never be like “We’ve restored your sight, just so you can marvel at the shittiness of the apartment you’ve been living in! Isn’t it horrible?!”

the B&Bs are top notch

Trump voters: