
Was Obama saying “cut it out” to Putin a reference to Trump saying “cut it out” to the rising tide of hate crimes stemming from his election? Saying, “See, I can be totally ineffectual in stopping this shit too”? Could Obama be shading Trump?

The mind boggles.

I’m more shocked by how brilliant 1970's penmanship was. Penwomanship?

Giving up on penmanship was the beginning of the end.

#correction: It says “Nichollas” instead of “Nicholls” at least twice at the beginning of the post and once again at the end. Just FYI.

Suitable candidates for the position of (insert cabinet member title here) must possess:

- A criminal history (ironic crimes entailing corruption, greed and misogyny preferred),
- an ample record of discrimination and bigotry, and
- a barrel full of conflicts of interest with the position you’re aspiring to.

The ideal

Every headline relating to Trump is like reading an Onion headline out of context. You do a double take, read it again, and then you realize it’s a joke.

Except it’s not, and then you just scream internally forever.

Don’t wait long, it tastes like wet cardboard sprinkled with nutmeg and despair.
Coconut Nog (Coconog?), on the other hand, is actually quite delicious.

This whole incoming kleptocracy has a real last-days-of-Rome feel to it.

I’m starting to wonder if he’s picking people that he has something on, so they’ll do his bidding not only because they are a flock of cuckoos but also because he’s got them over a barrel in some way.

With that statement, I was implying that he wasn’t doing enough. Sorry if that wasn’t clear.

No disagreement, but Obama is currently still president. What’s he doing about this? It’s like since Trump’s election, everyone is looking fearfully ahead to January, and Obama’s just like... a non-presence. With so much worry and unrest, it’s surprising his voice is so far in the background.

Best reason to not wear Spanx: It feels like you are being strangled by a woman-sized tensor bandage.

Second best reason: You’re cool with having a belly button!

Clearly this isn’t a blatant attempt to rally his followers and inflame their anti-everyone-not-a-white-man passions. Obviously.


He’s such a turd burglar that he can’t even trust his own wife to vote for him!


!!!! HELP! I’m a grey but there are horrible photos of murdered kittens in the comments not far down. Please make this monster (“Shuk Mak”, I think, but I’m afraid to go back and look.) go away forever.

Anyone who is capable of CHOOSING to eat the same sandwich(es) every day for 26 years has got something very profoundly wrong with them.

Explains a lot.

I borrow my four-year-old’s hair ties, despite having a large ziplock bag full of the obligatory black and dark brown hair ties. Why can’t grownups have fun colours, too? ALL THE COLOURS FOR ALL THE PEOPLE!

What really gets my goat is the way abortion providers are targeted, harassed, and frankly persecuted for providing a totally legal medical service. It’s astonishing that ridiculous laws like these can even be proposed (or passed!), when they are so clearly aimed at shutting specific businesses down and preventing

You deserve far more stars.

Imagine the impact if every illegal immigrant in America took a page from those wonderful Icelandic ladies of the seventies and walked off the job for a day. The country would grind to a halt.

Nope, in the evening my husband or I will often get to the “I’m going to throttle” stage... and so we trade off. Whoever is less throttley will take the kids upstairs or outside to give the other a break. You do develop a tolerance, though. To a point.