
#Correction: It’s François Hollande, not Francoise! If the French president were a woman I’m sure we’d be talking about her a whole lot more here.

#correction: The president of France is François Hollande, not Francoise.

Girl’s gotta have dreams, right?

No desire to consider what any other something could be.

God damn the man looks like he was dipped in vegetable oil.

Was thinking the exact same thing as I read this article. Also Chris Rock’s speech was all B&W and no reference to any of the other kinds of POC. / Another WOC who is neither black nor American.

Not to be that guy, but I think it’s “hoist with”, not hoist upon. Regardless, a terrific choice of words for the situation.

The cape-bomber jacket hybrid is tolerable, but the rest looks like a real mishmash. Trying hard to be different, failing hard at fashion.

Somebody there thing Drumpf is going to win - wouldn’t want to be on the wrong side of history now!

And this is why you go to a real B&B, people. Walking into a vacant space that you booked online without human interaction at any point along the way is just asking for trouble.

You would never find a body in my garden.

My town has one of the largest used bookstores in North America, and since I first visited it as a child, I decided that if I was good, then when I died my spirit would be allowed to haunt it forever (as a happy ghost, of course).

The profile should also factor in freaky eyes... It’s a constant in the constant shooting sprees.

Who needs to be ethical when you can just be religious?

If you’re a white style blogger, do people expect you to be an advocate for white people? Unlikely. However, the expectation is not the same if you’re Asian/Black/Latino.

And what will we call all the emigres? In Nelson, BC, every second old hippie is a draft dodger. Trump Dodgers? Trump Dumpers? GOP NOP(E)s? Help me out, I’m not caffeinated yet!

“Cool Pope” my ass.

Agh, it’s like her hair was centre-parted all day, then her stylist just brushed it forward for the event. Just no.

First the Great Offence would be taken, then the Deep Concern about the individual’s mental health, then ___ would request the person’s Immediate Resignation(!). Dude would resign and fade into mediocrity. FIN.

HAH! Snorted my beer. Well done!

Without his glasses, Jeb Bush is an eyeless monster.