
Only other blondes can tell these ladies apart.

Hahaha you had me at “affordable”. Canada’s expensive, man. No illegal immigrants doing all the work here.

What is it about Trump that makes every single photo of him, no matter how recent, look like it was taken at a press conference in the 80s?

Re: Mariah, everything about that picture screams that buddy’s overstepping the bounds of their agreement.

I would give you a dozen stars for this (but I can’t do that).

Bad Tattoo Full Sleeve Strong Stout

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, It’s a... Rainbow!!! Got that same picnic basket happening next to me!

Spanx + The Bedazzler + Faux (I hope) Fur = Kanye bought all the components of his fashion line on the shopping network at 3 am one night last week.

If they “tried to portray themselves as perfect victims,” it’s because very seldom does anyone other than a perfect victim get any justice in these cases.

Looking at the picture, I was 100% sure that Zoe’s boyfriend must be her brother that I’d never heard of before.

The issue was the way in which the nudity and girls were portrayed.

Horrible nightmare is right. Just seeing that crocheted monstrosity has incinerated my libido for the rest of my life.

There are often notes of dark chocolate in Cabs from the darker toasted barrels used on them. If you are not into sweet wines, then finding a wine that has similar flavours in it to your dessert is a fine approach.

Doing anything else while wearing that medieval torture device would be a challenge, so I think it’s fair that she calls it multitasking.

Yes! My brother is known throughout my family as being on Indian Standard Time because he’s always late - like, hours late - to everything. I just interpreted it like “He’s so late he’s living in his own time zone.” Bringing religion into it is where things go wrong, IMO.

How is it that they can just make stuff up, say it with great conviction whilst waving a Bible, and half of America swallows it without a second thought? Is there a formula for this?

Religion + Anti-intellectualism (Failed Education System + Death of Journalism) = This Shit.

Not only unnecessarily violent and sexual, but infantilizing at the same time! Pretty much sums up the GOP’s view of women, though.

To be fair though, it’s easy to act like brother and sister after your divorce when you also acted like brother and sister before your divorce...

Assholes who NEVER HAVE TO CLEAN. So, double assholes?

10 out of 10 would get vertigo there!