
You know how if you wear a very tight, high ponytail all day, when you let it out it feels like someone just tried to scalp you? Her boobs must feel like that at the end of the night. #freebritney

Curious that down-thread they are saying that it’s not expected to spread to the US, but I’ve heard and read repeatedly on the CBC (Canada) that it is expected to spread all over South and Central America, as well as to the warmest parts of the US, but not to Canada (too cold) or Chile (because the Andes act as a

We’re not old, it’s just teen speak! And who in their right mind would want to go back to being a teen?

Read this without the “with” and thought, Sounds right!

At least I understood the word court. Now I got nothin’.

That’s a lovely thought!

South Okanagan!

Now playing

Just reminds me of Jon Lajoie’s awesome rap parody vid, “Show Me Your Genitals”...

The lady designing lingerie has got a *whale tail* for a necklace?!

Whiskey out of travel mugs is EXACTLY what I did with my hubby and kids last time we went to the park. Makes playing hopscotch with a 3 y o more challenging! But seriously, I love this idea, because it’s great for those of us who are too tied down with work and kids and all those responsibilities that eat up your