Blurred Lines

Aren't black people the primary audience for those Tyler Perry movies?

I read that article. I didn't see such participation-trophy attitudes presented in there.

AND while I'm here, I didn't see this guy, or anyone else, make the same argument for Metallica when St. Anger came out. Seems like a double standard.

He should consider a diary next time. Or a shrink.

"With Angelic 2 The Core, Feldman is doing what society generally encourages people to do. He’s being creative, expressing himself and releasing a project that is deeply personal, if also deeply insane. I think there’s something admirable, even noble about such a Quixotic pursuit. "

There's nothing special about the Mickey Mouse club.

All starts are manufactured. You're not born good.

People aren't complaining that it's goofy and kind of unserious. They're complaining that it's anti-intellectual and dumb, which was NOT in the mother's milk.

Three is a trend.

The context is a non-black person telling a black person how to vote based on race. Makes one wonder about that Democratic plantation stuff.

Most of them have been solid since the 90's.

The series as it is now is tired. We need a fresh direction, and that involves leaving Daniel Craig behind.

She never defended serial rape, no one cares about partial-birth abortion other than religitards, Benghazi isn't her problem or her fault, no one cares about Libya, letting refugees in is nice, Hillary has done little for Wall Street other than give speeches and this so called "life of duplicity and dishonesty" boils

What, black people can't choose their own vote? They're not slaves, you know.

That's not what I heard. (and I didn't hear it from the family either)

Nate Parker was falsely accused.

You sound upset.

Gee, someone should ask about his middle school years. That should be fun.

Isn't that feud really old?

It's truly disgusting.