Blurred Lines

Super Castlevania IV has one of the best, most innovative soundtracks of all time. Nowhere else can you hear gothic church organs as a heavy jazz instrument.


And The Darkness song.

They already did that joke.

These guys are taking the song WAY too seriously.

"That would be awfully hard to plan considering the fact that the piece of kryptonite the plan relied upon was at the bottom of the ocean on the other side of the planet at the time."

"That would be awfully hard to plan considering the fact that the piece of kryptonite the plan relied upon was at the bottom of the ocean on the other side of the planet at the time."

"And then does nothing. For years. He has a nightmare, suddenly he is raring to take down Superman."

Methinks you don't quite get this corruption thing.

Batman's actions validate the Joker's doom-and-gloom philosophy. His plan to corrupt Harvey Dent succeeds. Everyone has to make moral concessions in order to "defeat" the Joker. They get their hands as dirty as his.

That I can accept.

I know you just got here, but almost everyone is arguing my point.

I'm just messing with you on this one.

I was kidding.

"Doesn't all criticism essentially boil down to disagreement over artistic philosophy?"

Well, Superman represents a Saviour, Jesus is a Saviour….and have you seen the Passion of the Christ? Did Mel Gibson smile?

Jesus didn't smile when he took up that cross.

So he should smile dat watermelon smile, and I guess not wear hoodies while he's at it?

People seem to be concerned because Snyder's artistic philosophy doesn't align with their own. IF they accept that Snyder's philosophy is not going to align with what they're used to, they won't be so concerned.

"We just weren't expecting a guy who doesn't even seem to enjoy helping people and comes off as a guy who does it because he's supposed to."