Blurred Lines

She earned the blame by saying yes. But I understand the concept of personal responsibility is alien to libtards.

Oh, so Kristen Stewart said no?

Saying no is cool, too. Kristen Stewart and unfaithful partners everywhere should try it sometime, they just might thank themselves later.

Yeah, teaching grown women to not say yes to inappropriate relations they don't want is totally gross.

If my daughter were a grown adult? Absolutely. She has agency, she can say no.

You sound like a tumblrina.

The tumblrina ideology is that anyone can be anything. The first 30 minutes or so of Zootopia soundly refutes the idea, arguing that people can only be what they are.

I actually thought it was about the failures of Tumblrina ideology.

It's about more than just being "intrinsic to the story".

Doesn't help when people go around pretending to not understand it, though.

"What part of married middle-aged man with professional duty of care sleeping with a woman barely out of her teens makes you think the responsibility lies predominately with her?"

What? She's a grown woman. She could have said no.

Well, it's not like we personally installed a right-wing dictatorship in your country.

It is for me. I love Obamacare.

Yeah, Leftist just means murdering Cuban children in Communist wars.

Didn't she sleep with a 40-year-old director? Where does SHE get off?

What fantasy world is this?

What? I'd RATHER have either one of those guys.

Directed by Martin Scorsese, starring Jonah Hill and Leo DiCaprio.

So…breitbart and fox news. I'll let that speak for itself.