Blurred Lines

We'd have to do a lot more than wish death upon her to become the enemy.

All lives don't matter.

I thought it was just Pharrell. Never would have guess Marvin Gaye.

That's true of many ACTUAL operas, too, though.

Maybe so, but the Haitian-populated neighborhoods in Miami are often the most dangerous.

To differentiate those who work for social justice from those who merely point fingers and call everything racist means I have no interest in social justice?

One city is "most of the planet"?

Maybe so, but Sausage Party beats Dogma in the neckbeard stakes by a large margin.

He saved the planet in those movies.

No one else is enlightened on this point, so…give a guy a break.

What's wrong with that? You look around you to count your blessings.

wat? Yeah they do.

"Purely opportunistic criminals. They waited til there was a covering event, and they didn't go out and just destroy things, they stole alcohol and musical instruments."

They were all on the cross country team.

That just means you're in a better mood.

Wiki is made distinctly FOR the intellectually curious.

Nevermind and In Utero actually have about 12 good tracks each.

I did it.

I'd pick Smash Mouth over Sublime.

Yeah, because it's mostly white dudes who like them.