Blurred Lines

Sugar Ray were perfectly fine.

"the beautiful timbre of Brads voice, the soul and emotion carried through his presentation, the flowing roll and lyrical creativity of Erics bass, the precision and speed of Buds drumming, the energy of celebration in their ( few sober) performances, "

What makes you think liberals banned your hero?

Twitter deletes one person who disagrees with "the liberal agenda" and it's all conspiracies and shit?


You can't cite stats that don't exist.

This movie is Exhibit A in the Why Atheism Is Regarded As Untrustworthy case.

Well, no one can prove THAT from here.

Screenshots or it didn't happen.

Oh. True.

THERE's a conspirancy to chew on. The movie's flopping, let's sell some sympathy tickets!

God, he only writes about himself. Get a blog, dude.

Screenshots or it didn't happen.

I haven't seen that at all.

Because what cheap jokes can you get off of any of the other stars in that movie?

Harambe should never end.


At this point they've clearly given up that aim.

So drag other critics into the quagmire? Leave them out, it's not their fight.

Cats eat their babies sometimes.