Blurred Lines

I'm implying that the AV club isn't concerned with hateful comments as long as they support liberalism.

Surely you know the uselessness of polls if you followed the primary. She was listed as winning Michigan by 20 points. Look what happened.

They don't have basements in my city.

I don't care, I LIKE Hillary and will happily shill for her.

I didn't see any racist bullshit.

I did read the things that were deleted. They were certainly no more hateful than some comments from liberals I've seen here.

"Snopes being entirely her partisan quibbled about context"

In other words, people aren't really interested in the free exchange of ideas?

Also, notice these third party candidates lack a minority vote? Talk about white privilege.

Hillary and Bernie voted the same on 93% of their votes. What positions of Hillary's could these Bernie bozos possibly not support?

How is the most qualified candidate of the 21st century "an awful candidate".

Trump and Stein fans think along the same lines: a blind hatred of The Establishment based on a lack of understanding.

"She laughed about that being interviewed, same as she did recalling how the client she knew raped a twelve year old girl passed a polygraph."

It's even better than "Yes We Can".

Why do all the conservative comments get deleted?

Maybe this will help you:

The troubled inner cities in this country are largely thanks to Republican State governments.

Because black people can't join frats?

But wouldn't the fact that celebrities are doing more talking about these issues indicate that there's LESS at risk in using your soapbox, and that therefore upheaval isn't far away?

Oh, there's plenty of that. But there's less of it than is paraded and liberal critics tend to mislabel anything that doesn't explicitly condemn conservatism or republicans as pandering to their enemies, the straight white male.