Blurred Lines

No one is saying there isn't forms of entertainment targeting straight white men.

This assumes that everyone who isn't a leftist is a bigot. We surely all realize the hypocrisy of that notion.

Hegemony for all!

Yes. You must conform to the leftist agenda or be branded.

It won't be THE reason, but notice his republican rivals did not appear on the show…and lost.

" just because almost all critics and artists are leftists?"

There is definitely more now. Just look at the Oscars. Micheal Moore once got booed for blasting the Iraq War; this year, every Oscar winner had something to say about race, social justice, and political matters.

Yet, people keep voting for her.

Hillary has the most wide-ranging job experience. That's what she's running on.

The writer of the article is also white, though.

He does an excellent job.

Or promote mainstream product/liberal values.

Du Jour means seatbelts!

What, black people can't be funny?

It's the internet language police.

Yeah, I'm really going to write a speech in the comments section of a website.

Women apparently don't understand men, it seems.

My argument is that the shoe fits.

Most liberals aren't socialist.

If the shoe fits.