Blurred Lines

That's a goofy-ass exchange, which he mostly did not want to be a part of that much.

We've all read too many sincere diatribes on sexism from privileged non-comedic feminists to take this as sarcasm.

Young girls haven't seen the whole night

He likes sports. What's wrong with that?

I know, right?

"But I think it's just as easy to read the movie as being about suspicion of immigrants and how that's proven correct. "

I like Brand New Day.

94 was equally comparable.

"If White truly were forced to sit in a kid’s chair next to Auerbach for the next twelve years, at least he would have his choice of potential conversation starters. “Do you think the anti-mainstream Gen-X orthodoxy of grunge subliminally drove you into a moribund genre such as the blues?”"

Spin put St. Anger on their year end best list.

"There's "Perfect Situation" and "Peace," two that are up there with Weezer's best, and a handful of other catchy tunes."

Sounds like a bad remake of 3 Days To Kill.

No kidding. Of course it does.

I skipped after this part:

It's worth seeing, pay the haters no mind.

This movie was great.
You people are nuts.
Also, none of you bozos were super joyful or cracked jokes when 9/11 happened.
So pound sand.

The girl in You Belong To Me is high-strung, which forces the guy to walk on eggshells to keep her.

That sounds like something Elvis Costello would do.

You can wear shorts skirts AND T-shirts, silly girls.

"It's not as though these films can be understood without taking into account the philosophies behind them."