Blurred Lines

Some women work hard at their jobs without subscribing to feminism.

Hugging is sex?

The reputation they're trying to push as some sort of political firebrand is disingenuous as well as timely. They basically sell themselves as Public Enemy when they weren't even political.

So the Music Industry DID shove gangsta-rap in the our faces.

Straight Outta Compton is disgusting revisionist history.

The genre of post-apocalyptic movies? So he came before Planet of The Apes?

When a script isn't good and doesn't let you bring much to it, you can be over it pretty quickly.

Spectre was as uninspired as it got: recycle the same themes and scenes from Skyfall, dial up the pyscho-drama and Nolan-nightmare imagery up to 11 and hope for the best.

And what exactly is his vision? And why is it so damn special as opposed to all the other post-apocalypse movies we've been inundated with over the last decade?


I just GOT here a few days ago. I'm sorry I'm not up with the times, ok? Maybe I wasn't cheerleading quarterback, ok?

What?! No way! I had no idea before this trailer leaked!

no u!

Um…not really. But ok?

That makes one of you.

So what does this movie really add to society aside from trying to destroy football?

I could watch a documentary or read wiki if I wanted to know about CTE.

ANY of that stuff.

In his defense, he could very well have changed his mind when he realized that "war is a drug" quote in context could only ever have been about one war…the Iraq war.

None of that should matter once the house lights dim. Just like all the press kit bullshit shouldn't matter when you click Play on a new album.