Blurred Lines

I did.

Most people can spot a perceived bias in the news media. It's insulting to think they can't spot political bias in their movies (and they do). And Sandler's movies demonstrate the value of personal responsibility while repeatedly going against the grain of political correctness, two concepts that are typically

Those were better days, before people resorted to whoa-oh-ohing their way to a weak ass hook.

Such as…?

Hey, why fix what ain't broke?

I've read the site for years, I'm well aware. But thanks for the warning anyways.

Everyone who watches football already knows about and supports concussion protocol.

I know a SJW warrior who was all excited about this movie because she thought it would "totally piss the NFL off".

4 months later, no one knows.


Hitler had daddy issues. yin'.

Transformers 1 was better than the Artist.

Also, what good is having a director with ideas if every one of them are bad?

Not as good as the Opera scene in Mission Impossible, though. :(

THERE's an idea for a tattoo.

I've only seen two or three bad Sandler movies and I watched quite a few of them.

Sandler knows that stuff offends you.

Or Jackson 5's version of Up On the HouseTop With Old St. Nick (?).

It'd make an excellent cover.

Exactly. Synth-phobia is alive and well, apparently.