
Isn't she a little old now to be a bratty, pissed off teenager? I can't believe that parents continue to allow their children to grow up in the spotlight. It fucks all of them up. ALL OF THEM.

Yeah, this review was garbage. Let's just call a spade a spade. The album was barely interesting at times. Musically its a joke, and art-wise it's more juvenile than ICP. I used to admire Wayne's creativity, but now I just think he's a creepy loser.

I have a love/hate relationship with Phish, but I pretty much just hate their fans. Tool? I don't get that one. You also forgot Miley Cyrus. Her fans are insane.

I find it helps to imagine 'Cause I'm a Man' playing during the love scene from Top Gun. You know, when they're all playing volleyball together.

Those fucking eyebrows. He looked like someone was constantly farting in his face.

I can't leave this page without saying how much I hate the song "get what you give". It's my hate song.

I find Zoe Saldana to be a black hole of charisma/presence.

More than a Dan Brown book?

Just like the old saying, "never judge a book by its cover, buy if you read at least ten pages and don't like it, judge the fuck out of it!"

That truck - awesome. Full live band on it - awesome. Bunch of weirdos running after it - silly as fuck.

Yeah, but slap a couple of graham crackers on him and hold him by the fire, you got yourself a delicious snack.

Where else am I supposed to go to pick up chicks?

How many 7's did he roll during that song?

I guess I should've been more specific with her. BTW, she's sorry she made you cry.

I keep telling my wife that. It's not quite working out though.

I'm pretty sure it was "Slow Down I have Asthma"

Built to Spill. A better version of Modest Mouse.

God damn, those floyd rose bridges suck my balls. That thing alone made me get rid of my Ibanez.

I would take a dump on him while his mom blew me?

I thought that said Owl City. Got all excited. Dicks.