
Lmao I preordered (and received!) two SNES classics - one for someone who would most likely play it with others, another for someone with kids, who I’d expect to play it with the FAMILY. My fondest memories of the SNES was as a kid playing multiplayer with my parents.

I really want a Switch port of Slime Rancher. I haven’t played it yet, but I’ve heard really good things. But my backlog is so extensive, I can afford to wait...

I actually haven’t been able to get into Alice isn’t Dead, though I’ve tried a couple of times. Does it get more engaging?

I love horror/supernatural podcasts! It’s 90% of what I listen to, which makes it awkward when I’m asked for podcast recs. I purchase each season pass of the NoSleep Podcast (it’s seriously worth it!) and I’m a patreon supporter of the Wicked Library.

I’d like to listen to Google Assistant’s voice to have a British accent, personally.

I was born and raised in DC and honestly? Those in poverty can’t afford to live in the city anymore. They’ve all moved out to PG county (like me!). That said though, since I was born and raised in the city, living far away from the city sounds like hell. Even Frederick is like no man’s land to me. *shudder*

I get more people are using wireless headphones, but some of us are not allowed to use Bluetooth at work. Are there USB c headphones?

There’s a specific subset of probable racist dog lovers where they specifically say “I love dogs/animals more than humans”. I am also suspicious of people who see everyone on their fb feed talking about injustice and their only contribution is “everyone is being so negative, let’s post animal pictures”.

I preorded two: one from Target and one from Walmart. One is getting delivered today, the other next week. It seems to be working on my end?

I’ll bite. Some people use queer as a personal identity, as they don’t feel the other labels apply to them. Other people use it as a catchall term for sexual orientations and gender identities that aren’t explicitly L,G,B, or T. There’s a lot of discourse as to its concrete meaning, or if it’s even appropriate to use

A little annoyed by all the anime fans who are taking this too seriously, and people who hate Jaden Smith (who is actually not that annoying– I think he’ll grow out of it). I’ve only watched the first episode but can’t wait to continue. I found the show hilarious.

I’ll probably watch it. What’s the harm in giving it a chance? Lol

Can I just say that the spelling bourgie is super bourgie? I spell it similarly though, so I can appreciate that.

I do, but I also mainly use my switch to play just dance.....

I’ve only really seen latin (correct usage?) people use the word “latinx”, so this is news to me. Good to know?

That’s interesting- most people I know from around here kind of look at corner stores as a rite of passage for kids to walk around the city on their own.

You sound like a transplant, lol.

Uhh...I see people get upset about ableist and homophobic slurs on a regular basis. I’ve also seen considerable backlash against calling whatever cancer. But if people get upset about these things, they’re immediately considered ~sjws~ who are too happy to call people -ists, and if they don’t then it’s black people’s

Outer senshi fans unite! ((It’s always awkward being a fan of the Stars arc, cause the starlights are treated like they don’t exist :( )

We do that here in the DC metro area too, haha.