
I want to see a new Pokemon Pinball with Joycon haptic feedback, but I don’t think it’ll happen :( alright SameolSameol? You have quite the thread going under this comment.

Don’t bring that up in AC circles though - or you’ll get a whole chorus of people yelling that you’re telling them how to play their game that they paid for with their money. I honestly don’t think that saying that the game is intended to be played a certain way is shaming people who choose not to play it that way,

Finally, a good take™. 

I don’t use them anymore either, but I’d have to drop the pod in, start the cycle to get the water running, then put in my clothes to avoid the dissolution problem.

I don’t use them anymore either, but I’d have to drop the pod in, start the cycle to get the water running, then put

Aw, this actually made me pretty emotional! What a sweet gesture. 

This actually made me feel pretty emotional! What a sweet gesture.

Not going to lie, this looks fun as hell. I want it lol

This won’t work in a lot of work environments, but if you work with a different team or department often, sometimes it’s nice to send an email to someone’s supervisor letting them know their employee is doing a great job and has consistently helped you with something. Those emails go a long way, at least where I work. 

DC. Just checked again, no dice. 

I’ve been wanting to watch this show legally for months!! I’m so excited.

Lmao I literally bought a Blade Razer Stealth this Monday...

I have a 3XL and still no update yet..............

Having just started grad school this semester, I just wanted to say that Animal Crossing music as a whole is so relaxing/comforting. Whenever I’m feeling anxious it calms me down and puts me in a good mood.

I really wish there was a short iced option here.

Gangly, I’m personally really into skinny guys and I know a bunch of women who feel the same. My SO fits the skater archetype and I think skinny jeans look amazing on him. They don’t even have to be skin tight - I find at the smaller sizes skinny fit just means not super baggy. I think there’s opportunities for you to

Holy shit, Kimutaku? That’s huge. :)

I miss being able to text without looking at my screen, if I’m being honest.

I find the notion that POC (black people in particular) should just shut up and continually put up with racism both telling and incredibly disheartening tbh. Racists are always going to adapt but why does that mean that we should just let them continue what they’re doing? Yes, part of being a streamer means that you

I loved the movie. I saw it in 4DX, which really made the movie more immersive. One part in particular that stands out to me is the Lickitung scene...droplets splattered on me and my SO which grossed us out so much, it was like our reactions literally mirrored those on the screen. I know a lot of people said the