
I’m from DC, and I always have a hard time trying to figure out my accent as I often switch back and forth between AAVE and (what I think is) general American English (my AAVE is accented with general American English though). One weird linguistic feature I’ve noticed is that I often change the pronunciation of “sure”

I’ve bought my last few phones - but they were a Nexus 5, Oneplus One, Oneplus Two, and now my Pixel XL. With the jump in price, I’m most likely going to hold on to this one for a bit - I can’t afford to drop another $1k on a phone. I pass my old phones on to family I know can’t afford to get new phones as often as I

But their clothes have changed before! Like during ruby and sapphire. It’s weird to see them revert back to their original clothes.

I missed the initial preorders, but I heard that people were getting their preorders through at Target if they kept refreshing. So I missed the first round of targer preorders because I had to type in my card number in preparation, I bought a pair of work shoes so I wouldn’t have to confirm my credit info

In Taiwan, I had to explain to someone that yes, 7/11 was originally an American company (iirc they’re owned by a Japanese company now). I do like them a lot better in Taiwan though. I wish I could have an onigiri for breakfast everyday!

I alone can use up to 22gb a month, so no Google fi for me :(.

Uniqlo’s online store has plus sizes, though admittedly not a lot.

Pretty much this. Also I’m so used to the flat keyboards that mechanical keyboards look atrocious to me.

Yes, but there’s several characters in Chinese that have multiple readings as well, no? I figure you just read kanji with context in mind, like you wouldn’t read bank as “yinxing” instead of “yinhang”

I really wanted to switch to Project Fi, but I average around 20GB a month. (I opted for a cheaper cable package, and so my phone is usually faster than my wifi). $80 T-mobile plan is perfect for me.

I prefer bottom dock with auto hide on. Looks clean and neat.

I’ve been in a situation where someone I didn’t walked up to me and started talking to me like an old friend. It was so awkward I just went with it, haha.

I don’t remember the last time I saw an arcade in a mall!

It’s always surreal listening to other people talk about their commutes. I exclusively take public transit, and it’s an hour and 20 minutes one way, door to door. I say that and people look horrified, but I used to have longer commutes than this?? I’m just used to it.

Yay! I’ve been trying out different apps now that Hangouts doesn’t have SMS support anymore :(

Kinja stikes again!

Go to your Kinja profile, go to following, then next to your username, click on the button that says following, and it’ll unfollow. There will be a little period of Schrodinger’s follow though, in which it’ll go back and forth between showing you’re following yourself and not.

Chun Li actually doesn’t bother me THAT just looks like she had some work done, switched to using circle lenses, and forgot to fill in her eyebrows, lol. Dante on the other hand looks like he got hit with an ugly stick, so there’s that.

I wish I had these games when I last took Delta! I can’t remember how many games of (regular) solitaire I played on the flight from JFK to Narita

I use Google Music. I like that it gives me access to my iTunes library anywhere and I can stream (almost) whatever I want outside of that. I also like the perk of Youtube red...I get irritated whenever my SO casts something from youtube to our chromecast and ads play. One thing I will say about play music is that