
Actually I think that would have been "penises"

Taking inspiration from a group that promotes genocide seems like a pretty obvious boundary has been crossed.

Agreed about the other women understanding Jane's reaction. Also it's not just the look on her face. She was grabbing at Madeline's arm in a clear panic. Considering how much the two of them had discussed her rape, that's all that would have been needed. By this time Celeste has no more illusions about what type of

The question was whether Perry recognized Jane. Obviously Jane recognized him.

We already had our ice planet, forest planet, and desert planet in Ep VII.

Deceitful / deceptive, however you want to describe it… if William is a younger MiB, then the way the scene plays out is crafted in such a way to disguise this fact. I don't have a problem with them doing that, it's just a filmmaking trick. But at face value… she has a memory of the MiB, and then she runs away and

Your 'C' doesn't change anything. Dolores shoots the guy in the barn and runs away after having a vision of the MiB. She then seemingly runs into the arms of William. She either had a vision of the future, or it's purposely deceitful editing. Whether or not she was actually raped by the MiB has nothing to do with it.

Yup. First thought was Hanks cause of the nose. Turns out they have the same nose.

It was presumably a memory of that sequence happening to her before, rather than a premonition.

She and Rodriguez did a number of films with Weinstein, Grindhouse/Planet Terror and Sin City among them.

"Mitch, Please!" would mark an edgier turn on the Fox network.

MA = Massive Attack, not Massachusetts

Or just some wealthy friends / patrons. This is the art world we're talking about.

Agreed. He CAN be a phenomenal drummer, but his work with PJ just leaves me feeling flat.

I've always found Cameron to just be…. safe. He fits fine with the band. He wasn't going to self-destruct. He could handle the rigors of touring and performing for the long haul. He's just never brought anything particularly interesting to the mix.

Yes. I lol'd at "mysterious package." It was his cell phone that he had just wiped clean.

I remember seeing these guys on Election Night in 2000. They yelled out "Both of these guys suck! Vote Nader!"

It's her purse and boot in the scene in the bathroom. It looks weird, but it's not the prosthetic leg.

She doesn't really go into detail as far as what she's referring to with his mom though. She just says something along the lines of, "Why your mother? Why specifically?" Krista doesn't say anything about actually staying with her.

Until they apply again later, like when Elliott was supposed to be asleep but was actually Mr. Robot.