What happened to the babby?
What happened to the babby?
BREAKING: I have obtained a transcript from this prep session:
Andrew and Fergie need to stop trying to make their kids a thing when they’re the bargain basement scraps no one likes.
Shitake. Slender stem, broad umbrella.
Probably the last one.
OMG Pickles would be THRILLED
Don’t be fucking playing around, Ronan Farrow. If you got them damn tapes, don’t be Omarosa, play them bitches, bro.
Hey, Shizzrock:
...is this supposed to mean anything to me?
I want to see an entire hallway of little framed tweets, each with a paragraph or two inside the frame reading “This is what actually happened:”.
Now with all those lies what is his library gonna look like? A live Snoops exhibit?
I am hoping that the lion share of the evidence Muller has comes from tweets.
Honestly, I think dating profiles for straight men should have a box to check if they’re housebroken.
Another item for the “basic aspects of adulthood that somehow women are responsible for in their male partners’ life” pile.
To be clear...the board wasn’t upset that he harassed women. They were upset that he left out details of the harassment. The victims who were harassed by Moonves, with full support from CBS, should sue the living daylights out of these people.