
Man, go sit your Country Time Lemonade sipping ass down somewhere

Pastor Troy? The 20th Century slipped up and let a slug escape from the used crack pipe of mediocrity. Man, go sit your Country Time Lemonade sipping ass down somewhere with that tired ass homophobic Negro bullshit.

Ha! I haven’t heard that one since I was a child.😂 As my Mom would say, “you are the closest thing to your mose. Check yourself before you accuse someone else.” Yea, my Mom has a smart mouth. Lol. That’s where I get it from. Lol.

same, “toastface killers” is hilarious and NEEDS to become a thing

Winner right here. I snorted. Love it. 

  1. Toastface Killers

They’re not supposed to lie to the department. They’re supposed to tell their superiors the truth so they can all get the lies straight as a team.

Some credit union should get him for spokesperson.

I love, Love, LOVE the Bay Area contingent of the Grand Negro Coalition for a lot of things, but one thing in particular has been wonderful over the past couple of years. Them dudes (Lynch and Coogler in particular) are not code-switching for y’all. The absolute joy in watching them cats (Gulf Coast, Nawlins, ATLiens

It really was the realest interview ever given. Take care of your mental, your body and your chicken, African.

The Black men who talk about Black women ‘going after Black men’ truly believe we owe them absolute loyalty. After all the ‘preferred multiracial’ model/actress rent he paid, cheap jean businesses he bankrolled, Tai Chi fees and yen-based retirement accounts he’s funded, Russell’s scores of Asian female defenders sure

“Is he Ben Carson in disguise?

To be fair, I don’t know the man, but based on pictures he makes Obama look like Malcom X.

I think he’s one of the “good ones”.

Why would you ever want to be someone’s only black friend? Don’t put yourself in this position.  

She looks like a mental health nightmare.

Same thing as most days. Some protein powder, berries, fresh turmeric and ginger, all blended up with a bit of coconut milk and regular milk. My wife’s doc has her on a low carb diet, and I’m riding along. The ginger and turmeric really do help with the inflammation. Or so I keep telling myself. And if you add black

I have nothing but hatred towards Thurman and his ilk. Black women have enough to worry about without Black men attacking and raping and killing them too.

Did you ever think that people aren’t racist any more but learning about race is something parents want to teach their kids at home?