I would read Michael's responses without printing the letter, honestly.
There's like, seven Prince records I would put ahead of anything Bobby Brown has put out.
Imma say this with all due respect, which I actually mean for once.
I love the Clapback Mailbag because it’s just whites proving us right about everything. They dont even see the irony of their responses and are completely oblivious to their own hypocrisy. It’s fascinating
What is this? ...good...news? I...I’m so confused...
Once I take these contacts out I aint going no where!
Ja-Rule is barely the Ja-Rule of rap.
“I didn’t say N****r! I said this OTHER N****r! said N****r! Why y’all gotta take a N****r! out of context?!?”
Shit. Forgot blue collar. And also white collar. Apparently white people are the only people with collars.
They don’t see it because they don’t want to.
If they were so afraid, why did they open the door?
You “The Big Joker is the Guarantee Joker” nyuckas is wrong, wrong wrong. The Big Joker is the BIG. JOKER.
I wouldn’t trust that fool to tell me the sky was blue, especially since looking up to confirm his statement would leave my neck open to a knife strike.
O.J. lecturing on appropriate behavior is pretty much 2018 in a nutshell.
Martin Luther King died for THIS???
Once upon a time (somewhat) long ago, I had a hankering for Popeyes Chicken during lunch hour at work. It was one of…
Today—almost a year after a man who took an oath to protect and serve sent a bullet into the skull of another human…