Drug addiction and racism are not the same thing, but nice false equivalency.
Drug addiction and racism are not the same thing, but nice false equivalency.
I wouldn’t fuck Stephen Miller with Sarah Sander’s dick...
I bet he pays hookers to tie him up and whack his balls with a coat hanger.
Of course she’s a thing. Did you mistake her for being human?
My guess would be, the Hooters.
I’m surprised Chik Fil A hasn’t set up emergency ration stations for them.
Massive demographic changes have been foisted upon the American people, and they are changes that none of us ever voted for, and most of us don’t like
If you need to explain that your comments aren’t racist...
... to actual racists who strongly agree with you....
“I meant everything I said, I’m just not comfortable with the people who agree with it.”
I assume they'll be changing their catchphrase from 'The Few, The Proud' to 'Git Gud You Filthy Casul' to pull in a more hardcore demographic.
And then that same government will make noises how video games turn people into violent killers come when the next mass shooting arrives.
Fox News is gonna go back to talking about Jude Law’s sister, Sharia.
The comparison between D&D and Christianity needs repeating:
Thoughts and Prayers