
Definitely before breeding with them.

Rape: There’s an app for that.

Definition of a Nymphomaniac: Someone who wants to have sex one more time than you do.

They didn’t even find a blue dress.

Is America Great Again? I don’t want to miss it.

I wish it were far away from here.

That sounds painful.

‘Having travels so far away from her designated zone in the game space, there was a serious risk that she could disappear the moment she run offscreen.’

MTG has become everyone playing the same decks with games taking 10 whole minutes if you’re lucky.

There was no need to be redundant.

“That means that most of the time, these channels are practically empty, so you won’t have to worry about interference from your neighbors’ Wi-Fi networks.”

“That means that most of the time, these channels are practically empty, so you won’t have to worry about

The principal doesn’t seem to know how the internet works. But she soon will.


Just hold up your hands covered in shit as the before Charmin picture. Clean hands for after. Guaranteed viral.

That was my first thought.