
I have a stupid cheap robot vacuum... and I LOVE IT. I live in a 600sq foot apartment, and only 400sq feet are hard floored (my bedroom has carpet too thick for the robot vacuum), but even with that little space its worth it. Unlike the other vacuums it doesn’t memorize routes, but that’s OK... I just let it go run

Yup... Texas here. The reality is- while there’s still a bunch of conservatives everywhere, the cities are Blue for the most part and their leadership does do everything within their power to challenge the state and protect us where it can... but local governments can only do so much. Not to mention the voting

Reminds me of the walls that occasionally kick you off your horse. Sometimes I’ll be hugging a wall and just be kicked off... I’ll freak out thinking I’m being invaded by an NPC or a boss is coming only to discover that nothing is wrong and I can just get back on Torrent like nothing happened. But in that case it

I thought the belt idea was useful. I am needing hip surgery soon due to a birth condition and it causes extreme pain to force my legs together for long periods- the hip socket and muscles just don’t want to... I do it during a flight because I’m not a man spreading monster on public transportation, but I literally go

I take glass very seriously at this point... of course you always try to clean up the best you can but failing to do so can be unpleasant. A few years ago and sliver of glass was so small I couldn’t even see or feel it slip under the skin of my foot. After a month of foot pain and what appeared to be infection I went

Its been forever since I’ve stepped foot in a Sam’s club. Costco is great... I don’t exactly worship it like some people, but I like that they seem to care for their employees- and I always seem to find good deals and great food there. Their Kirkland almonds alone are enough for me to have a membership; they’re the

I prefer full coverage... and this year I all discovered high waisted underwear and I love them so much and don’t care what anyone thinks. Its only the last year or so that I realize high waisted pants also fit my body type better than normal stuff... my legs/hips/and abdomen are just so long that all normal fitted

I didn’t know that about maple syrup- but I know for certain the main syrup for us kids was cheap store brand butter flavored sugar sludge rather than real maple syrup. It does make me wonder if my dad’s syrup was spoiled maple syrup though- it was just disgusting and none of us kids would touch it. But I can totally

I love curb side pickup.

Besides the germs I’ve always just been stressed out grocery shopping- so shopping from home and picking up the items for no fee has been great. I’ll go on a Sunday morning and won’t even need to deal with any traffic on the roads. Also I’m less likely to make impulse buys. It makes cross

My step mother was all about refrigerated peanut butter. When I was old enough to complain- rather than stop refrigerating it- she just got a separate jar for me to keep at room temperature in the pantry. I guess she just enjoyed her’s cold? It was kind of goofy considering I was primarily the only one who even ate

Great list.... Pasta should definitely be on there too- the sauce can increase the price, but I usually buy a big bulk jar and use it up throughout the month putting it in the fridge.

No mention of French Toast, the clear victor? For shame. 

In the 2000's I learned that if you had sex that your female
privates” were permanently stained on a microscopic level and that your husband or father could bring you to the doctor and have them run tests under a microscope to see how many men you had had sex with.

This was in a Christian middle school.
With that

I was not allowed to do most basic chores as a kid. I couldn’t cook because I let the water boil over once, I couldn’t wash dishes because I cut my finger on a knife they left in the sink, I never was allowed to learn to wash/dry clothes because they were worried I’d break the machines from clumsiness... I remember

I love Navi—- and to be honest I probably wouldn’t have beaten the game without some reminders. I was a little girl and could only play on the weekends when I visited my grandparents, so I constantly forgot what I was doing—- if you spent too much time crapping around the wrong side of the map she’d remind you where

I had gum problems over the last year and mouth wash made a noticeable difference- but it was prescription only and only meant to be temporary. Plus I was flossing more regularly so that may have actually made the real difference.

Typically the only time I use mouthwash at this point is if I have a sore throat- I grew

Used to work in customer service at a few places- I absolutely hate how hard it is to get to a human. As the phone lines became increasingly reliant on a computer directory the customer frustration went through the roof. Sometimes as soon as a call started I’d have customers cussing me out before I even gave my name-

We had a St. Bernard growing up- Winter was his heaven and he would want to stay outside every minute of it insisting on playing fetch in the ice and snow. Summer on the other hand was really hard for him- especially when he got older and his joints started failing him. My dad actually started cranking up the AC just

I think this really depends on how you plan on moving. If you’re a very young adult with hardly any possessions or children it might work packing your car with suite cases and garbage bags. We have heavy bulky furniture and typically have to work with movers- especially if its a long distance move where you can’t be

I was told by a TSA agent I met not to wear sweaters at all - wear clothes as form fitting at possible. Do not wear dresses or skirts. And if you have big boobs your chances of getting searched increase because there’s a “chance” of hiding things in the underboob area. Same thought process if you’re very overweight. I