
“A reasonable person might conclude that the success of Barbie shows that Americans are thirsty for something original, and that studios can get rich releasing well-crafted films with thoughtful messages wrapped in breezy, hilarious packages. Instead, movie studios concluded people want more movies about toys.”

Is New Hyrule what they made because they were sick of Zelda’s shit and wanted a new Kingdom with Blackjack and Hookers? 

I think back on Doom Eternal a lot, a game I still really enjoy. But it’s a real shame that Id decided to prioritize an ill-conceived online format, make the game excessively “gamey”, and leaned into everything that would make the game so pushy and off-putting. I hope Marty Stratton pushes off soon. I feel like he

VIII was pretty solid in many ways, but it was not better than VII.

Without mods the subreddits would be unreadable spam. And that would cause people to not visit. Which would cause Reddit to crater. So sorry but the CEO is in the wrong here. He seems to forget how Reddit got so large. But if he wants to keep fucking around he’s going to find out. Someone will build a new Reddit and

We are talking about it and reddit is down because they chose to shut down whole sections of the site. Nobody would care or notice if a few people deleted their accounts.

The communities that have gone dark pretty much all decided that by poll and discussion among the membership. So it’s not “moderator fiat” but a collective action by the active members of each sub.

I think she meant three-prong outlets were introduced in 1962.

Before getting into plugs, let’s start with the outlets. Two-prong outlets were introduced in 1962 installed prior to 1962.

$20 says the parody account is Musk himself. Past behavior and all that!

Maybe the Republicans should lead by example and stop spending so much while cutting taxes when they have power. Nothing says fiscal responsibility like decreasing the amount of money coming in and increasing the amount of money going out. Oh, except when the other party is in charge, then they are staunch fiscal

Please don’t slander people without evidence. Gym has a partnership with Nintendo. He would not risk that for an extra week early.

Company owned forums are always just toxicity, whining, and unanswered questions. Game subreddits are the only place I EVER find valuable discourse happening about a game anymore

But what an amazing instance of using-his-power-for-good this is.

I find it odd the toxic fanbase that comes to mind for you both is Steven Universe, and not Rick & Morty.

Nobody* needs a bidet, but it is not debatable that proper bidet use + proper wiping is clearly more effective/efficient than either option alone. I wholeheartedly agree that one’s asshole is rarely if ever, and never** needs to be, as clean as one’s hands...however that analogy for handwashing is exactly why bidet

Air fryer. Game changer for liking more vegetables without the time and effort of doing it in the oven. Roast all the things...that aren’t big and leafy, fry those!

I’m actually relieved. From the title I assumed they showcased a Demon Wall and was already sweating anxiously in anticipation.

I do this, but let’s not kid ourselves. Unless you wear and use exclusively natural fibers this is burning plastic.