
I’m 34... in 3rd grade I had a math class spend about a week on metric- and my final highschool science class made us use Metric only. In other words... no one graduated knowing anything about metric other than what they absolutely needed to know to pass a test and then it got thrown out because you won’t find the

I have been dealing with shin splints. Due to a hip injury (I need to get the hip replaced eventually)- I’m a bit out of shape. My doctor does actually suggest I work out to build up muscle before a my eventual surgery and lose some weight- even power walking or a light jog would be nice if my hip can bare it—- but

I remember being at an anime convention once in DC when a Christian Family Conference was also taking place. We stayed at the hotel. One morning me and my friend got on an elevator to the main floors. Two very formally dressed men with pamphlets from the other convention get on at the next stop and just gawk at my

In my first job out of college I was missing so much work because of my periods. I was in so much pain I was non-functional, but I was a Teacher Assistant- which meant I was lucky if I got full lunches and breaks- let alone the ability to go to the bathroom. I was terrified I was going to lose my job because I was

My much younger kid brother had his birthday this month and me and my mom joined forces to get him a VR set. She’s thrilled that him and my other 3 siblings have been so active active with it. During this last year they weren’t very active, gained weight that has affected their confidence, and to be honest, are kind

People care about bacteria? I just don’t want literal dirt and mud tracked all through my house as I’m the one that will need to vacuum/mop it all up. I don’t require outsiders to remove their shoes because I don’t want them to feel uncomfortable, but me and my husband plop off shoes at the entry and put them in a

Wario Ware might be ok.... but wasn’t too excited about the other announcements. (I’m not a big BOTW fan- but I hope fans were happy with the trailer!).

The ONLY thing I wanted was ACNH updates... I feel like the game might be dead after only a year even though its the 2nd best selling game on the system. It would be

Yes... literally the only announcement of E3 so far that has truly excited me. If they bring it to the Switch I’ll be SOOOOO happy.

I used to work in Insurance - the added insurance usually isn’t too pricey, probably the most annoying part is getting an assessment if your collection is above their set limits. I used to have people living in rural areas be upset that the only expert that could assess their collections was like 12 hours away and

My friend was terrified during voting back in November after she asked if the unmasked man behind her in line could kindly give her 6' for social distancing she asked twice adding she has has a disease that has left her immuno-compromised and it wasn’t personal, she was just trying to be safe. He cussed her out and

Much younger brother is autistic—- my mother is now an anti-vaxer and my other 3 even younger siblings were never vaccinated and my autistic brother hasn’t gotten a shot since he was 2. She is also refusing to get the Covid Vaccine for herself or children.

I’ve tried to patiently explain things or recommend other

As a perfectionist with chronic anxiety- the only way I can delegate is if I know I won’t face any consequences or extra work if that other person screws it up. Its not that I don’t want help—- but I have trust problems with most co-workers when it comes to work quality. A rare few have earned my trust- mainly because

It definitely evaporates pretty quickly in most situations after you’ve dried it.

I’m a bit of a bigger lady—- “Bath sheet” size is so much more comfortable for me to use than a typical towel- wrapping up in a towel is a comfy end to a shower. I’m not really one to run around the house in a towel- but I have mistimed things and I’ll have an oven timer going off with food that needs immediately

Back when I was in physical therapy and started to recover I’d have some days when my joints sounded like popcorn while I did my strengthening/stretching exercises. My therapist was excited because he felt it was a sign my body was finally getting enough range of motion that certain joints were moving in ways they

When I was starting out as an adult and finally got on insurance I was thrilled to learn that Preventative Care was covered, I didn’t have money for problem visits since it would be out of pocket for the first few thousands of dollars- so I purposely didn’t go to the doctor for anything else.

I showed up for my annual

I had to take an ambulance a few years ago. They never sent me a bill so I assumed in error the insurance covered it. A year later I realized I had a big hit on my credit report from an unpaid medical bill. I reached out to them and they had sent the bill to an address I lived at as a child 20+ years ago that they got

I feel pretty bad for my mom.

With me and my brother closest in age—- It was just her and she was a pretty relaxed parent, but we had very good communication. Me and my brother were pretty well behaved kids—- we’d still do normal kid stuff, but we knew what the limits were and respected them and our mom who was

To be honest—- I really just have my costco membership to support my Walnut addiction. The Costco brand raw walnuts in bulk are the cheapest and the best tasting I have ever found.

They occasionally have a good deal I spend the bulk prices for—- but I’m in a tiny apartment and don’t have room to stock up on much. And

Looking forward to the Luxe.

My Original Versa stopped charging on the day the Luxe was announced- so I suppose its fate- I’ve been looking forward to something more sleek- and I never really used the apps on the versa.