Just started Crypt of the Necrodancer on sale on the Switch. Loving it, but definitely a noob! I’m just happy to beat a level let alone speed run it.
Just started Crypt of the Necrodancer on sale on the Switch. Loving it, but definitely a noob! I’m just happy to beat a level let alone speed run it.
I’m a dark skinned Italian with some kinky curls and after returning to teaching after a long summer of daily jogging I returned more brown than the typical yellow/olive tone I typically am. One of my black colleges approached me and asked if I was part black- which I of course denied because I’m not and I’m not…
My doctor told me the same thing when I was 13- that things would be fine once I got pregnant. My mom chewed the doctor out for even saying such a thing in front of a child- that the only way to stop suffering was to get pregnant essentially.
I’d love to see all these people cursed with endometriosis and see how long it takes them to change their minds.
The pain never bothered me- but two years ago my arm swelled up like crazy, I was afraid I had an allergic reaction as my upper arm was at least 50% bigger around the point of the injection and very hard. After a week of this I did get seen and I was told it wasn’t a concern- but it took about 4 weeks total for my arm…
I work from home and don’t often go out so I only have 2 reusable masks. With that said, the first one I got requires I tie it in two places (it was hand made)- but I have long unmanageable hair so this is not easy to do on the go without knotting it with my hair, so often I’ll do it at home in front of a mirror and…
I used to brush my teeth in the shower all the time- that extra time I’m letting the conditioner soak in always felt like the perfect amount of time to brush my teeth- where I can get kind of impatient brushing my teeth for the recommended amount of time otherwise. Having the shower water clean the toothpaste off my…
Thanks for the info!
My mom’s biggest problem is actually getting my 9 year old brother who is special needs to do the assigned work. He might sit and listen to the lesson, but as soon as it’s over he has no school structure and runs off the play his video games. My mom tries to force him, but she has a kindergartner she has to sit with…
Watch what shampoo/conditioner you’re using too.... as a kid getting hornets stuck in my hair while I could hear them buzzing by my ear was a nightmare.
I miss being able to go on walks pain free. I’m in my early 30s, but due to a birth defect my hip needs replaced and I have end stage hip arthritis. I still walk because I have to keep those muscles strong. I always experience pain, and something as simple as stepping off a curb the wrong way can actually injure me…
I think my issue is when I cut out all the thoughts of what I “should” be doing to be successful and happy in life (Good job, relationship, family ect), I realize I don’t really have anything left to cling to. I don’t really know how to do anything for my own benefit and happiness... still hoping to figure it all…
When I was a kid we only really lost power in major snow storms. We’d dig holes in the snow and burry our frozen goods for days. Our bigger issue was staying warm and bundled up in multiple layers and like 10 blankets sleeping around a kerosene heater in the middle of the room. I’m sure the adults were losing their…
My fiance was on a medication in which the insurance company suddenly said they’d cover it, but only one pill a day rather than two. His doctor was confused because it was just a baby dose of the medication that was just there to help with some nausea side effects of another more potent medication. My fiance…
That auto play was evil and so loud. My fiance is working from home and we’re in a small studio apartment... really not cool.
With that said... I miss baths... but I’m nearly 6 foot tall and I haven’t fit in a bath tub since I was younger than 10. I tried taking a bath a year or so ago, and it was a nightmare—-so much…
I grew up in a trailer and was always horrified in tornado season. We did have this brick “well building” in our back yard for our water utilities that looked pretty durable- I always told myself as a kid that if I had a chance I’d try to hide in there even though it was regularly filled with snakes.
As someone who grew up chronically ill I have to disagree. We didn’t always have Kleenex and I’d be forced to use tp, my nose would literally start to blister over and bleed it was so rough. Kleenex would still leave me raw after enough use, but it was much gentler. Not only that, but tp starts to fall apart when it…
It’s still difficult to get tested. I’m currently in self isolation because my friend has the coronavirus- presumed by her doc. My friend says Testing sites have 6 hour wait times to be seen. She’s too sick to be out that long- she can barely stay awake she’s so weak and sick. So the only thing she can do is stay home…
In Texas, Walmart was a mess this weekend. People without masks, people not wearing masks appropriately, no one following the arrows showing which way to go down aisles, and no one social distancing. It was anxiety inducing.
I prefer getting things delivered right now even though it costs more—- I only risked the trip…