
Mine is Catsaway rather than castaway—- named for my kitties.

Just a note, as someone who used to sell umbrella insurance, you might get declined automatically if you have an aggressive dog breed.

Have pcos here and it sucks.

I understand this article is more preliminary- but I have two young siblings who have mental health disorders- and I feel like an important thing is to mentally allow yourself to admit that other parents suck. One of my brothers is high functioning autism spectrum, but on top of that has suffered from severe

As a picky kid when I was younger there really wasn’t a way to win really. If I ate just biscuits the host would laugh at me- if I tried the new food and didn’t like it, so I left it on my plate, they gave me a hard time too. I was never rude- I always minded my p&qs and would say everything was great even when I

Is there any chance they did a triple fake out.  

Like maybe Joy is alive and never went to Canada to begin with?
I feel like everything that happened after she found her daughter was questionable. How is a Canadian lawyer going to help a foreigner get emancipated? Wouldn’t bringing a lawyer into things reveal the fact

I spoke with a former Tsa and they assumed the reason I always got selected was because of my large boobs. To be honest there are so many dehumanizing factors about flying that molestation always felt low on the list. Last time Though they made me take off an uncomfortable amount of clothes; I was left in a see

Don’t most people with fake trees use them for decades though? We used the same fake tree for 20 years growing up, and my mom only replaced it because a family member was getting rid of a newer one and she donated the old one. my current fake tree I’ve used for 8 years and it’s still perfect.

About a year ago I had a bit of a breakdown and my manager helped me get a 32 hour work week for a few months. It was Amazing! First of all- i planned my meals so I didn’t need to take a lunch (although I could if needed- and I usually had a snack during my break) - so I was only at work for 6 hours total. I got done

The only time I’ve been asked to move is by a stewardess, its happened at least half a dozen times, and its always been an unfair trade (aisle for a middle seat). It’s never a “would you please switch seats,” type situation—- they pose it as a requirement for flying unless I want to get kicked off. I’m not sure why

I think letting them know not to blow too hard is also good.

As a kid I was chronically sick and had terrible allergies—- because we had no AC the windows were open 9 months of the year- I could barely breath and would have chronic infections that at times required trips to an emergency room- a runny nose was at the

I’m planning my wedding right now.

I really don’t like formal events, and I want my wedding to be as informal as possible—- but don’t want to be judged for “not doing it right.” While I want to wear a wedding dress I really couldn’t care what everyone else wears—- I’d be thrilled if someone came in a T-Rex costume

When I was fresh out of college without insurance my pcos and endometriosis was so bad I was basically bed ridden for weeks screaming in pain with no money- I actually considered killing myself the pain was so maddening. I went to a planned parenthood in tears and didn’t have to pay a dime. Not only that- but they

I grew up poor with the idea that if I worked hard and got a good education I’d have a stable economic future and be happy. In reality at age thirty my income doesn’t keep up with inflation, I hate my job, and even saving money with both me and my fiancé it feels like we’ll never have enough money to have a home or

I’d like to know if there is any testing at all to account for breasts. I have been blessed with a bust above the average size--- and I have never gotten a seat belt to fit properly. It always rides up around my neck no matter how many times I push it down- in the event of an accident I will probably be dying in my

Am I the only one kind of interested in this? My current console purchasing philosophy is to wait a few years till it’s under $150- even if that means being a generation behind. This usually works out pretty well since there’s also a pretty established and discounted gaming library by then as well. I’m also really

I’m on a work leave after getting to the point of regular persistent anxiety for a very long time.

I’m actually pretty good at coping and finding ways to mentally unload- whether its through journalist, meditation, or just finding positive healthy distraction—- but its kind of like trying to plug a sinking boat with

Over the last year or two I’ve been prescribed a number of anti-anxiety medications. I’ve been told by the doc and other people that I should feel the effects of these medications soon after taking them- but at best I feel nothing, occasional tired, and some even seem to increase my anxiety- I’ve never felt any

I tried to re-teach myself cursive a while back; I know a few people who write it so nicely that I was inspired, but after using it for a few weeks I just realized mine looked like trash no matter what—- it was legible and properly done, it just wasn’t attractive looking at all. It kind of reminded me of my highschool

A year ago I had a tough trip/funeral. I was so draining- I got stranded at an airport at one point for 13 hours on the way there. On the way back I had the cheapest tickets and multiple layovers because I was broke with limited options. It was one of those tickets where you can’t check in early—- you have to get your