
This has essentially ruined almost all floral scents for me. I stick to fruity or spice/vanilla scents to try and avoid that. 

I love super hot heated car seats. I’m only 30, but due to a birth condition I’ve had chronic hip and back pain for years- I learned this year I’d need a hip replacement. Literally my heated car seat is the only thing that helps alleviate pain—- I wish I could bring it with me everywhere.

As a mother you can be against the idea of abortion but still be pro-choice. Being pro-choice doesn’t mean people have to get abortions- it just leaves that option open for the many valid reasons of ending a pregnancy before the child’s life is on the line. If you’re truly anti-abortion then your goal should not be to

I attempt to make my lunch as late as possible. My job is terribly stressful- but it gives a real adrenaline boost which is the only reason I don’t have regular nervous breakdowns - but if I take my lunch at noon I’ll come down from that energy boost and feel drained for Half the day. I typically snack around an 11am

I wish I could take medication for my anxiety/depression. Several years ago they had me try a ton—- all but one had no possitive effects- the one that did help me had life threatening side effects, and the ones that didn’t work also had a range of negative side effects without any benefit. Finally we gave up because a

We’re saving up for a house right now- it’s seems like a necessity since the cost of rent is skyrocketing- in 7 years it’s gone up by about 75%- our income certainly has not kept up with that pace. We could move, but besides an insane commute we’d also have to buy a second car, which would cost more than the savings

When I was a kid I was chronically Ill with a number of things—- some years I was in an out of the hospital. My doctor would tell me I should not be in school—- either because I needed bed rest ,or because I was so contagious it would be irresponsible to be around other people. Even with Doctor’s notes my mom started

I did some group therapy in a state that is very gun supportive. A large number of the people in attendance were victims of abuse with PTSD—- They talked about guns constantly and how that was the only thing that helped them sleep at night and how they wish their ex- would break their restraining order so they’d have

I really don’t like the idolization of the “traditional family.” I’ve been in enough therapy to realize how detrimental my mother’s desire to have a father figure in our family unit was. And I really don’t get the idolization of “masculinity”—— its not like women can’t protect—- the bravest people I know have all been

I always make sure to compliment mothers with baby/toddlers on planes. Heck, even if the kid is screaming I still try to say something nice. Last time I flew some people heckled a mom about her kid crying a few minutes. The mom actually started crying even though there wasn’t anything she could do- and the kid was

Back a few years ago I had a job that made me so sick with anxiety and physically ill I was throwing up and losing my hair in my 20's, I had chronic pain with no known cause and I started having suicidal thoughts pretty consistently- but I didn’t want to quit because I needed the money to survive - not to mention

Also keep in mind if you’re a lady- that a rapid sharp drop in carbs and quick weight loss as a result of Ketosis, completely fuck with your hormones—- especially estrogen. Your body tends to store excess estrogen in you fat, and when your body starts to consume your body fat too quickly the estrogen is released back

Yup—— We had several litters of puppies as I grew up. The puppies—- which clearly were in no state of sexual maturity- would hump each other constantly- whether they were girls or boys. It was a social display of dominance rather than sexuality. The ones that did it were typically the jerk puppies—- you know, the ones

Its the money.
We’re financially responsible- we live in a small apartment and rarely splurge- we share a single car, basically never go on vacation or visit family- we’re saving everything we can—- but its like every year rent and cost of living goes up, and income doesn’t keep up. Buying a home with a fixed rate

I’ve been at my work place for 6 months so I’m still learning in what is a very niche job. My co-worker, who was an expert and my trainer had an amazing opportunity with a new job in a new place with a big pay raise. Everyone was very supportive of her choice to go- but after 1 month of her gone it feels like we’re

When I was a kid I considered Chrono Trigger the most hard core horror game I’ve ever played.

The entire premise is around a sense of dread that the world is ending and there’s nothing you can do to stop it- even though you’re trying. There is this huge focus on death, existence, and human suffering. When you go to

Something like this happened to me while in college- it was at a very pedestrian heavy crosswalk with a stop sign and there were other people crossing so there was no reason not to stop. Afterwards the woman started beeping at me and cussing me out like I did something wrong as I was standing there in shock trying to

I skip almost all of them. As someone who is hearing impaired, what is already a social nightmare for an introvert like me quickly becomes hell when I realize I can’t hear anyone.

So... last time I had to call 911- a woman on her first day of her new job in my work area had a major seizure and passed out during the night shift while no one else was really there but me—- She was so new I didn’t even know her name. When I called 911 they asked me to hold and hanged up on me 3 times—- There was

I literally have never played a single game on your list in 2008 (I was a poor college student at that time)- But I love everything you do and loved your personal take on all of the game. Can’t wait to see your Finale of FFVII Found in Translation.