
I had a terrible time with PE when I was younger—- besides the body shame of having a D cup in elementary school and having guys gawk at my breasts while being forced to go jumping jacks—- I also had a number of serious health issues that made me less of an athlete than my peers. I would always try my best—- I even

My little bro has Autism and just started high school this week. The first week of school is always super stressful to him—- he’ll come home and have a nervous breakdown and be physically ill with anxiety. We as a family early on had a lot of do nothing days—- because what he needed was calm recovery rather than more

I come from a family of hard core hoarders—- some of the stuff on those hoarders shows were nothing compared to what I grew up with.

Since most of my dress pants don’t even have pockets I’ve resorted to stuffing crap in my bra when no one is looking. Pockets would be magnificent.

So—- I’ve never been quite sure what to do about my hair. I have a lot of it—- and I shed worse than a dog. My apartment bath only has a drain that open/closes—- nothing that catches hair. Eventually I unskrewed that and covered it with plastic drain covers from the grocery store—- but they’re not perfect and hair can

It’s true to most he sounds like an idiot—- but it’s also reassuring the people who do actually believe in this. My step father would regularly talk about different IQs of races and loved listening to guys like this. He’d go on and on about his fears that when black and Mexican people become the majority—- what would

I don’t get spam on my cellphone—- at least not often. My landline on the other hand rings off the hook from 3-6pm. I’ve considered just canceling it—- but no matter how many times I give family my cell number they only call my home number. I don’t want there to be an emergency and them not be able to contact me

Used to work insurance. One of the biggest price discrepancies was based on the street you lived on. If you’re black living in a black neighborhood your rates are probably through the roof—- and since it was all computerized there was nothing I could do to help them besides maybe be lenient with fee waivers. I Don’t

I’ve always had a difficult time with the pain scale. I spent some years of my childhood going through a number of surgeries due to painful issues I was born with. I also suffer from debilitating cramps during my cycle. I do know some of those cramps are so bad I can’t even walk or cry out— I just lay there kind of

I LOVED Pokémon snap as a kid. I’d get frustrated though with the point system—- what do you mean the Pokémon isn’t in the center of the screen!? It’s following the law of thirds and is way better than my old one that only shows a butt.

Their arguments are pretty weak. They’re not deciding what is and isn’t “moral.” They’re deciding what is and isn’t a good look for their brand. So if they’re now ok with stocking their shelves with games that celebrate nazis and racism then it’s their decision that it fits their image—- and most importantly it will

I have to say—— When I was younger I had multiple occasions where I was presented a bottle of wine when I was still underage at nice restaurants. It was always when I was out eating with my dad and close family for special events. Maybe its because I was the tallest person there (I’m nearly 6 foot tall and I a bigger

I just got a new job that will require me to to dress more professionally that I have been recently. Really what that means in I needed to get some more nice black work pants. I’m a size 18—- and it ended up being way more difficult that I thought it would be to find nice dress pants that didn’t make me look terrible.

My cat did too.

I find it funny because he typically doesn’t react to any sounds on my computer—— including typical cat sounds. Apparently whatever these Lynx’s were saying he took quite seriously though.

I had Chick-fil-a for the first time since childhood a few days ago.
I wasn’t that impressed—- I was hoping they’d have spicy chicken or something (they didn’t); the plain chicken was a little plain for my taste. It was still good for fast food—- but considering all the hype it gets I wasn’t too impressed.

I did love

I used to work at a store that once got hit with travelers checks printed the same way. The 16 year old cashier didn’t know what he was doing he accepted several hundred dollars in fake travelers checks in exchange for gift cards and cash back.

My mom would do this. She’d also open sodas and chips to eat as she shopped— She’d always pay for them in the end—- but the cashier would give her quite a look when she gave empty snack bags that she’d pay for and ask if they could throw them in the trash after paying. I remember being in elementary school and having

That FEMA talk is exactly what my literally insane step father used to rant about constantly. Instead of guns though he bought crossbows....

Green needle... that is all.

I don’t even use cruise control in a normal vehicle for fear that it will make my reaction speed slower because of being less in sync and aware of my car and its surroundings.

I can’t even imagine the “auto pilot” in these vehicles.