I heard Yaurel a few times and Laurel a few others.
There is no NNNNN sound in there though from what I hear o___o
Same here—-
As someone with a hearing impairment I really don’t like this new video only direction.
I think its hilarious working in retail right now.
Only management has sick days where I work—- because you only get sick days if you’re full time and they won’t allow any of the employees to be full time- not a single one. Whether you’re 16 or 70- whether you’ve worked for a few months, or are among the two that have…
This isn’t a surprise.
My step dad has been dealing with the same thing for years.
He’s been near death nearly a dozen times in about 5 years—- and he’s been on the liver transplant list multiple times. He got kicked off three times—- once because he was “cured” and another time because he got a blood test at a local…
So.... am I crazy or is it just synesthia?
For me—- whenever I see different people, or am in different places, or have different experience I hear noise. Its like a humming in my head that varies in pitch and volume. Its pretty consistent- but I feel it more based on my emotional and historical relationship with that…
As an adult Im kind of happy I was an outcast in highschool—- sure I didn’t have many friends, but I also had very little drama and stress as well. I actually got to enjoy being a kid and did pretty well in school as well. Even when I was in school I realized this at some point—- it seemed like everyone else was…
On a side note—- for weight loss sucking is also much better.
You get way more satisfaction out of a smaller quantity of sweets—- since they take longer to consume you’ll probably naturally eat less. At least this has been the case for me.
I’m not a parent yet—- but this is one of the things I’m concerned the most about parenthood.
I personally never went through this phase. Literally every adult I know goes around saying I was an “Adult” since about the age of 5—- and was never rebellious or snarky and always did the right thing without being forced…
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with asking an employee (politely) if its possible to change the music, or TV channel, or to lower the volume ect ect. Of course the employee can always says no—- and at that point you tough it out- or you leave. Since I unfortunately live in Texas most public TV’s regularly show…
It gets better with practice. In my first graded speech class in college I literally had a semi nervous breakdown and started speaking gibberish till teacher (who said we’d have no do—-overs) calmed me down and reassured me by giving me a do-over the class unanimously agreed I should have.
In one science class I was seated in front of a table of boys—- one of which kept fondling my butt and the other boys would laugh. I didn’t know what to do in the situation since it was during a quiet reading time and I was so embarrassed I didn’t want to make a scene— I ended up crying at my desk and every few…
I don’t have kids, but I’ve taught very young children—- and while I agree children should NOT be allowed to run wild in public for many reasons—- I’m kind of dumbfounded by how many people commenting to this article seem to hate children and parents. Parenting is fucking hard—- even when you’re a good parent- a child…
As an adult woman who had a full size chest since middle school—- that’s not how clothes work. Unless the clothes are specifically made to be sized around breasts (uniforms are not) then you have 2 choices—- have a shirt that’s tight against you chest but fits everywhere else, or wear 3xl and have such a large shirt…
That’s actually an interesting take on the ending. When I first saw it I thought that it just meant that humans had moved away from midgar because they changed their ways and were living in peace with nature, respecting the life stream—- and the ironically greatest source of pain for the planet was being returned to…
Omg. I swear I have like 3 “desktop crap” folders on my desktop already. I feel your pain.
I work in an office at a retail store where I make very little more than minimum wage, and the starting rate for almost all positions is minimum wage.
Our store can’t keep employees from quiting—- the only people who apply are teenagers—- many of whom are minors and its their first job. The problem is that the…
This seems like such a cool idea, but I can’t get the site to work no matter how much I try.
I can’t find a country mode—- it just shows the whole planet without any country boundary lines- so there’s nothing to select. Once the lines showed up for a second after a reload—- but instantly disappeared. If I select Taxi…
I was doing well... till the company name “Lockheed martin” came up.
Is that something commonly known?
When I was a tiny little girl my Me-ma told me that if you threw salt on a bird it would temporarily take away a bird’s ability to fly so you could catch it and take it as a pet. She gave a salt shaker to a wide eyed me and I spent hours chasing birds throwing salt at them.
Those poor birds!
Naturally I never actually…