
My problem with the argument though is that no matter what you do you’re still human. Even the most “responsible” humans make mistakes—- everyone does something stupid at some point. Whether you’re doing something stupid out of a normal distraction, lack of sleep, under the influence of over the counter medication,

This isn’t a Holocaust problem... its a problem of how history is taught (or rather not taught) in schools at this point.

I have a degree in history/education—— but between hating education politics, limited resources, and the fact that history isn’t taught at all in many situations— I jumped ship after two years. One

I work at a department store in a mall that is a practical ghost town—- there’s hardly any shoppers in the actual stores except maybe around Christmas Time.

The food court though is packed every single day—- I sometimes have a hard time finding a seat. Sometimes its families... especially with young children who hit

Curious how this will affect my mother... her husband hasn’t been able to work in a few years due to illness which has now turned into cancer—- medicaid pays for all of it—- and is the only source of coverage for any of them.

In her case she has 4 young children to take care of- one of whom is only 3 and doesn’t go to

My mother is almost 50.

Even though I’m 30, she has 4 children at home... one as young as three years old. I always felt she was strong armed into having children by her abusive husband who just wanted more and more excuses to make her dependent on him. At this point he’s dying of cancer though—- so she has to take

Only partly related...

But keep in mind that even if you have a low key home business—- if the even of a loss your home/renters insurance may not cover any property that were used in conjunction with your business, or may only partially cover your loss up to a lower limit than your full property coverage. This includes

Hunts and vinegar? I might need to try it—- I LOVE vinegar. In fact—- I typically hate ketchup that is too sweet. I went to the Philippines for a few weeks back in college and the Ketchup there tasted like the love child between Heinz and pancake syrup. At first I thought it was just their Ketchup—- but their Pizzas

Mmmmm... thats just whole milk though.

I know most people switched to 1% and skim for concerns about extra fat. In some places WIC doesn’t even cover whole milk—- this graph doesn’t paint a complete picture.

Something similar happened to me—- except I got the item 3-4 months after Amazon had already sent me a replacement for an awol delivery. The box was beaten within half an inch of its life—- it made me seriously wonder what hell that package had been through.

It was only a cheap paper back book so they didn’t care if I

I’m pretty sure all large chested/curvy women have gone through something like this.

I personally grew up completely horrified of my sexuality and body and only wore overly baggy clothes to pretend I didn’t have curves and giant breasts. I’m thankful I grew out of it... but... I was probably around 25-26 when I

“whereas they value women based on “perceived likeability.....”

I recently had a job interview where we met as a group with all of management. We were told that they wouldn’t be considering our resumes in the hiring decisions and instead would be basing their judgement on just what they felt about us from the

When I started therapy I had a hard time clearing my mind.
Based on many of my stress managing tools I had my therapist realized many of them were based around the senses (Visual ques, physical ques, Audio ques ect ect)—- to help she had me play a visualization game.

She had me create in my head a physical barrier and

Oh god yes.

My mother is the worst. Rather than tell her I have bad reception I’ll yell I have to put the phone down and do something really quick—- when I come back I’ll apologize and start talking without letting her pick up where she left off. If she asks I’ll tell her I had to stop my cats from getting into

At my last job we started together as a team is a very unique but intense training program. I think by the end of it we all had cried at some point during training or within the first few months of work. No one wants to cry—- but oddly the struggles and emotions we experienced together created this intimate sense of

I have a much more difficult time getting people shut up on the phone.

I come from an Italian family with very robust body language so people know what when I have something to say in person. On the phone though I’ve had experiences where the other party will monologue for like 20+ minutes strait. Of course it doesn’t

I understand that you’re just a troll in the grays and I should probably just ignore you—- but calling concern about body and health privacy trivial kind of pisses me off.

Do you realize how traumatizing it is for some young women already dealing with their menstrual cycle in a public place like high school? You’re in

Sooooo.... what do girls do with their tampons and pads?
Or are the ladies still able to bring purses?

When I was in highschool we weren’t allowed to carry purses—- which usually meant that when I was on my period I was forced to use toilet paper—- or walk all the way back to my room and carry my backpack to the

My step father has been battling liver cancer for several years—- he’s completely unable to function. They currently have 4 young children and live in an area with no affordable day care options. Between no child care, and the fact that my mother has to bring her husband to several appointments a week that are

Pence’s book is also getting publicity though and I’m sure will sell way more copies that it would have if Oliver hadn’t done this skit. So win win I guess?

TLDR—- Even teaching WWII stuff can be considered “controversial.” Its a wonder if we’re able to teach this generation anything about the wars in the middle east.