
My grandfather is a first generation Italian American. He hated it—- he remembers the poverty and being treated as second class. I’d pity him, but he grew up racist himself. I will say though, he’s made some changes since most his grandkids ended up with Black or Hispanic partners and children. It would have been

I’m curious about how they measured the “not very religious” part.

This is basically a check list for my step father and he matches all the descriptors except he considers himself more religious than basically anyone else. He’s the kind of guy riding such a high horse that I never saw him go to church a single time——

I used to work in Auto/Home Insurance and dealt with many of the same issues—- though luckily not about life death issues. I eventually had have a career change because I like people and I hated having to be the bearer of bad news and listening to people break down crying when there was physically nothing I could do

People dislike the rain?
The rain is AWESOME! I used to play in the rain all the time as a kid—- I thought it was funner than playing in the sun. Between trying to save the drowning worms and pretending that giant puddles were actually oceans I was braving a journey across it was great. On of my earliest memories of

My mother got pulled over once for doing the speed limit.
The police officer told her that even though she was following the law—- no one else on that road did—- so she had people recklessly trying to pass her in mass which was dangerous since passing was only allowed in certain sections. He let her know that as a

I Love You...

Please don’t ever stop doing these videos...

My Kitties approve!

I feel for you with that shame.
Whenever my mom used that card it seemed that the register would have technical issues taking her payment. She’d hold up a line while some teenager was yelling across the register aisles “HEY! This lady is trying to use Welfare money to pay and its not working- what do I do!?” Once it

Now playing

Queen is at the top of my Exercise Playlist.

This is a close second:

I really REALLY wanted to like Halo Top—-

Their taste isn’t bad—- but in nearly all things I’m a Texture person and I just couldn’t get into this ice cream for this reason. Mine had a super grainy texture that reminded me of sand the entire time. I tried waiting for it to melt and if anything it became more

I don’t even like Kingdom hearts—- but I’d regularly just turn it on and put it on this screen and turn my TV volume up to enjoy this.

I used to think like this about uniforms, but then I taught in a high poverty area and changed my mind. Having uniforms helps make everyone get equal respect for their clothing choice regardless of how much money their parents have to spend on a wardrobe. We had a few “free dress” days per year that always ended in

I’m not deaf—- but I do have a hearing impairment. Restaurants are one of my least favorite places to go. While I can hear somewhat—- its just a loud blur of noise which makes it harder or impossible to pick out a individual conversation. If I talk to the waiter I’ll need to ask them to repeat something a million

The point of a funeral isn’t the deceased—- it’s helping the living move past the grief of losing a shared live one and finding support and closure. This makes selfies even more discourteous—- the dead don’t care, but the dead’s widow doesn’t what to see that crap. If you’re going to so bored, or you’re not

I think more context is needed here. He’s acting like she’s a raging drug addict— but not pointing out any negative attributes about her marijuana use other than the fact he doesn’t like it.

Me and my boyfriend have Fitbits—- I don’t use the sleep tracker for much of anything myself as sleep in not a concern for me (I treat it like some holy ritual I love sleep so much)—— but we noticed that even when we went to bed at the same time it would say he slept much less than me- and that he woke up very

So.... I suffer from over organizing—- but in a non functional way.

Whenever I’m given something to organize I don’t think “What will make this easier to function/find”—— Instead I think—- what will make this GORGEOUS!!! My boyfriend who is the exact opposite gets pretty exasperated come spring cleaning when he comes

Toast is my breakfast hero.

I leave it in the freezer because It takes me about a month to get through a loaf. I’m trying to cut carbs at my doctor’s suggestion for health reasons—- So when I have toast I only have a single piece of delicious bready goodness at a time. If I had to leave my loaf of bread out it would

That’s the first thing I thought seeing her before I even read the story—— she’s gorgeous. More importantly though I’m glad she feels a sense of empowerment in her decision—- she’s also beautiful and strong in spirit regardless of the haters.

I always hated that question “how was school today”, but I did pretty well with more specific questions that didn’t force me to relive my whole day to answer—— did x situation get resolved—- or did you survive that speech you prepared for? Open ended questions can be nice—- but not with grumpy kids who just want to