
So.... will they send me replacement cardboard when my cats think their box play toys have come to life to murder them? I fully expect my cats will win that war and drag its carcass to the dark spot behind my closet door where they hide all of their war trophies.

Maybe the can make the cardboard taste like the switch

Those vivid colors are amazing.

I could totally see me hanging these up on my walls! Heck... I’d buy on artbook of just this work.

I have a brother in middle school who this year just got into Gundam Model Kits.... he also LOVES the switch.

Now there’s this which brings the joy of putting stuff together and playing with it in sync with the Switch—- my brother is going LOOOOVE this.

I really hope this doesn’t fail. I just love how unique this is.


This was pretty much my assumption.

I don’t meet African Immigrants often, but when I do they’re usually professionals; Professors, Doctors, Authors ect.

In college I worked part time at the Walmart and I did have a co-worker there who was African. He didn’t make a lot of money but did have an art degree and worked on

I typically just stack plates because they’re in the way—- Usually when I dine out its with my fiance and they give us the small couples tables. Then they try to put like 5-6 plates on it of varying sizes—- drinks—- bread basket—- it just feels so claustrophobic, I’m scared I’ll knock something over on the floor.


I’m sorry for your extreme unhealthy paranoia. As an actual Christian I pray that one day you’ll wake up and realize we should love and accept people rather than fight some misguided religious war against everyone different than you like we’re the victims. No one wants to take God away from Christians-they just want

I HATE living in Texas now.
Having grown up in PA I greatly miss seasons.... not having them actually makes me feel depressed or anxious—- like I’m stuck in some sort of time loop where things never change.

One thing I don’t miss though is dry skin caused by having a heater on 6 months of the year. This year I’ve only

I had the same thing happen. I tried to use the pedi egg—- but after about a week my feet were so itchy for some reason that I literally thought I was going to lose my mind.

Having experienced an abusive household this couldn’t be far from the truth.

TLDR—— Domestic abuse is too complicated to say “here are some resources to help,” and it magically fix the situation.

After years and years of abuse the victims are scared for their lives to take actions (with good reason)—- and since police

In an earlier post you mentioned buying a cheap car with savings—- you also here mention having a $1000 deductible—— Doing both of these things together will risk an insurance company totaling out your car for even things as small as a fender bender, paying you their estimate for the car (which may be less than what

This is possible—-

But I was so sick that I was near bedridden for a week with a high fever and an assortment of ailments not typical to the common cold.

I specifically said there is no temperature where everyone is happy and that being cold rather than hot is a personal preference of mine based on my personal experience from situations in several offices—- not a demand that we should keep all offices freezing. I am a little bias because I’ve been in offices so hot

I’ve gotten the flu shot 3 of the last 4 years—— I’ve gotten the Flu every single year.

I’m not exactly a Flu Shot truther—- but I have a phobia of needles— so it drive me nuts that I put myself through the psychological stress and get the shot and then still end up getting sick.

With that said though—- this is the

I was traumatized by Watership Down... my Grandparents though renting a movie with bunnies on the cover would be cute and cuddly. =/

The only thing I hate more than a cold office is a hot office.

Before you complain keep in mind that while you can always add more layers there’s only so much you can take off before you’re fired for public indecently. Everyone has different thresholds for what they consider to be hot or cold—- so when the

I actually don’t like having to deal with delivery people at my door—- when I’m home alone it makes me feel insecure letting strangers see inside my house. Plus its always awkward that they comment on whatever show or video game I’m playing. Not to mention I have to actually get a bra on before they get there or I

For me the biggest hurdle is having drive anywhere in the city—- I wouldn’t mind walking to the curb in sweatpants and a hastily thrown on coat to conceal the fact I’m not wearing a bra under my oversized tshirt. Its how I already throw out the trash most of the time.

You know what... this might be a good excuse to sit down and marathon the original CCS with my fiance and then check out the new one.

Its been probably 10 years since I last saw this series so my nastalgia senses are tingling right now.

Now playing

For 8 years (Middle School to Highschool) I had this play:

I live at an apartment and literally half the mail I get is for past residents that used to live at my apartment number—- Sometimes literally 1/2 my mail is for other people and I’ve lived here for 2 years now. I just throw it back into the outgoing mail slot.

Occasionally I get mail for our neighbors—- I was so