
I love the Museum, and love going to the Museum with my fiance—- my fiance doesn’t really like going though that much. So we’ve gotten to the point that when we go we go for an hour to an hour and a half tops and then go out and have a nice lunch (If we go in the mornings on certain days in my city its free!). This

That difficulty breathing one was tough as a kid. I was chronically ill as a kid- sometimes with fever sometimes without. Even if I didn’t have a fever though not being able to breathe properly makes it almost impossible to focus on school work. I remember one time being sent to school in that condition, I had only

I always enjoyed Mega man soccer for the SNES.

Now playing

I can’t think of any specific games—- but all three Final Fantasies on the PS1 helped me and my brother through a hard spot.

My mother’s boyfriend was always very abusive—- we were scared kids that would lock ourselves in our rooms when he was there because the yelling and cussing was upsetting. During those times me

I was going to be playing Witcher 3—- but I just beat it apparently!
Credits rolling as I type.
I heard there was a bad ending—- I’m glad I didn’t get it.... was quite anxious for a bit there though.

I guess I can play DLC still though.
That or I can watch my boyfriend play—- he’s taking his good old time looting every

Just out of curiosity since you worked in that field—- what is the first and best option then?

I only ask because I’ve had to call the cops when my mother was in a violent situation and I was basically trapped in my bedroom with a screaming baby hiding because the father had threatened to kidnap/potentially harm the

How Long: I’ve been Using the newer Fitbit Charge HR for more than a year every single day.

Did you see results: Yes when I was focusing on working out. Having it not only reminded me to hit certain goals I set, but also to keep better track of the intensity of my workouts so that my time was better spent. I actually

I think I get this feeling from a FFVI glitch on the SNES I experienced when I was like 8.

Something happened with Relm who is well known to glitch the game in certain circumstances when you use her sketch ability—- I was not aware of this at the time though. As a result everything started turning colors and all the

OMG! I’m not the only one with this fear!?

Considering I’m the type of player thought that starts screaming basically any time a boss shows up anyways I guess it wouldn’t matter if it was glitched or not xD

When I get to see a movie the most important thing for me is not having to be near other people—- I hate the feeling that I’m crammed into a little seat next to a stranger—- like on an airplane—- and I have to be conscious for 2-3 hours that I have no where to put my arms without risking touching the random stranger.

Typically its not specials I see left without prices—- its deserts.

I’ll get towards the end of my meal and might be feeling a strong urge for something sweet or chocolatey—- but when looking at the desert items none have prices. At that point it makes me hesitant to buy desert—- I mean... I already know I don’t

I took a class on Middle Eastern History in Uni—— I thought it was very eye opening and very worth it; I had never gotten any sort of history on this subject during my public school years—- but there was this one white guy in the class who couldn’t keep his mouth shut every few minutes about how the class was all lies

Having grown up with a number of brothers I always prided myself in my patience to put up with bull crap. Over the years it’s gotten to the point where most people I know will describe it as one of my best traits. But I’ve found that while I can typically remain a brick wall- as soon as I get sick or in pain from my

I don’t have much to add—- but Congratulations—— Despite what some people think I hope you feel good about your body and proud of your accomplishments!

My 13 year old bro is getting The Switch this Christmas. I called my family to see what exciting games they were getting him; apparently just a dbz game and sonic forces. I asked my mom WHY they were the only games they were getting, and apparently it’s because he specifically requested them! Why brother are you

Thank you.

I work as a cash handler in the office of a big department store (I count the deposits and make sure everyone constantly has the appropriate change)—- its stressful to get a call from an associate that someone is asking for like $40 in ones—— I don’t mind getting it—- but in the time it takes me to pick up

I’ve tried the “I don’t know enough about this to make an oppinion.” It often offends people if they just went on an emotional, opinionated rant on the subject and they take your lack of an oppinion as doubt as in their intelligence and source of “facts.”

Don’t know if I’ll get a response, but anyone have good ideas for the boyfriend who loves tech gadgets but seems to have everything? I planned on shopping yesterday, but got the flu, got a fever of 103f right now and am maybe a wee bit deleterious and don’t think I’ll be able to get out and shop anytime soon. D=

Don’t know if I’ll get a response, but anyone have good ideas for the boyfriend who loves tech gadgets but seems to

For some reason this story left me bawling. It’s nice to hear something good.

We just got a PS4 two weeks ago.... we got a bunch of games with it... but all we’ve managed to play is Witcher 3 so far.

I just got to Skelige and I’m loving it.