when its the woman? Too damn long.
when its the woman? Too damn long.
it happens, go , there is beautiful sunshine just past the horizon!!!!
I want to go ask this woman out, but this. And all I know to be out there. What makes me think for a min that this person i came across would be "different". Hope is like Tom Thumb in the land of giants, but oh how i wish. But i am single, and i have it really good, really really good right now. But man, when she…
Oh the complaining...........?...take a number
when said phone can give head or otherwise then ill understand, until then, morons.
better watch that wound, things like to crawl inside
what i hate is the "fake crack" of whiskeys, those damn whiskeys that SAY they are straight but on the bottle it says, "aged min 2 yrs" IF it says anything at all
so nacho cheese is fake people, as opposed to real people ? amirite?
said it once and ill say it again, seriously after all the forewarning necessary why not go somewhere else where CAN have a really good time. why have your bday party on such a narrow path of goodtime, all the rules
she has an "outtee"
more exiting the hole big wow
her FINENESS saved her
I revel in my 45ness!!!!! Take THAT WORLD!!!
what is he coughing up?
lol too long of a read
four kids, thats sad, i have a friend thats we'll say 47, her dad got shot when she was really young, and she still faces it everyday
10 months! LOL, and a 1 yr old, she doesn't waste time LMFAO, she must've been watching the clock like
Thank you for teaching me that no one can take away my happiness. Thank you for letting me go so I can one day experience true reciprocated love. THANK YOU!" - i waited years for someone to "get it" never happened, oh well, i shouldve done what he did , LOL jk one day, one day
he just said she does not reciprocate love or at least what he thinks is reciprocating