
I’m of the opinion that people shouldn’t tell other people how to live their lives - assuming that said life choices aren’t destructive to others - as this surely is not. I’m an atheist too so best wishes to you and Charlie on getting Charlie preggo!

I know this is off topic, but you mentioned Miss Jessie’s and Kinky Curly which are the two absolutely best brands ever for this white girl formerly mocked as “ the girl with the huge frizzy hair.” #hairlifesavers

My older brother too. I don’t think anyone judged me, but I felt flat and almost emotionless at the funeral. Six months later, on his birthday, the floodgates opened wide and hard when I was home alone.

I guess I just don’t understand what about her body looks different from the usual beauty pageant contestant. Looks exactly as you’d expect a Miss USA contestant to look like to me, where’s the deviation?

First reaction on reading the headline: BAD idea. But.. it actually works. She makes a great model.

For real, she’s just pretty pretty (or gorgeous pretty) and not ugly pretty by any stretch. I thought that was reserved for woman with a feature or features that fall outside the usual norms for modes and beauty queens, such as Rossy de Palma with her long, bumpy nose.

Vince Vaughn circa Clay Pigeons, yes. Current Vince Vaughn? Uh-uh.

I don’t think Samira gets enough love (I don’t mean from you, I just mean in general). She is such a beautiful woman. Why aren’t fashion mags snapping her up for photospreads? Her lovely, almost regal, delicate beauty would translate so well.

Wow, that is bad. Did she refuse to work with an editor, or what? No, Jewel, there is not a different type of casualty.

I missed that! Off to google...

I think it’s true that location can make a huge difference. As a young woman in my 20s I moved to a central CA town where I knew no one and found it incredibly difficult to make friends. No one seemed open to new people, period. I struggled along for six years and then moved to SF and felt like I found my trible

I have the opposite problem to the extreme. I have no problem meeting and connecting with strong, interesting, fun women and have a happy abundance of women friends in my life. Finding a man I want to sleep with, on the other hand, feels like mission impossible.

Kris Brown sounds as insighful and mature as your average 12 year old. :(

Well I guess the sanctity of marriage is no longer protected from these two clearly evil doers with an agenda.

I was at a wedding where the groom’s 27 year old daughter showed up in an all white lacy dress, looking every inch like she was the bride. She claimed she completely forgot that she wasn’t supposed to wear white to a wedding. (It would’ve been different and okay if it were like a pantsuit or something but it looked...

I had heard that but this sweated right off me leaving me arms, neck, and chest full of slimy white streaks.

I had heard that but this sweated right off me leaving me arms, neck, and chest full of slimy white streaks.

I don't see a smile in Tyra's eyes. I see more of a "bitch, please" expression.

Fake big lips just never come out looking good. They aren't attractive like natural big lips. They just look deformed. I've never understood it.

Her hair cracked me up. It's just finished a class at the gym hair. I liked that she seemed to give no fucks. I liked what she said and I have liked her acting since True Romance. :)

Oh yes, yes, yes, I do. Pleasssssssssssssse! Right now, I only got six!