
Totally agree. And extend it to paternity leave as well... paid leave for time to adjust to having a tiny new human in the house is not the same thing as vacation and I don't mind that as an older, childless woman I will never get it.

Is he saying that Amber Rose would be an unknown penniless nobody if he hadn't deigned to put his dick in her? I think he is.

The problem is he's not just dumb, he's extremely verbally abusive and a total misogynist.

Plus if you are going to try to go the Puritan Prude route to impeach someone it might occur to you that most religious people would consider making a porno more sinful then simple allowing others to view your nude body.

At least when they are anonymous on the internet they do. Suspecting their standards a tad looser IRL.

No, it's a totally valid point. I am sure that she is beautiful and stunning in real life, so why not see a realistic representation of what she actually looks like... this isn't it.

Well according to your stats up there some adults CAN digest milk. I am one of them. It doesn't make me feel like shit or give me any digestive issues, not so much as a fart. I love it and it's a good way for me to get more protein in my vegetarian diet. Actually, a whole lot of my protein intake comes from dairy:

I guess the reports that she was doing significantly better were untrue then? If there had been any hopeful indicators, it seems like they'd be waiting. What about the report that she had injuries on her face? This poor child. Money and fame alone sure don't ensure happiness and I don't think she's ever had it easy.

I will buy THIS magazine and I never buy this magazine.

This, so much yes. I am currently taking a strength training class for the first time (which is 75% weight lifting) and I've got a friend for a hiking partner and I'm paddling an outrigger canoe. I hope to lose weight and have a waistline again; however, I feel so much better about my body - despite not yet needing

Yes, so many samples of primer. I'm waiting to go through them all before I purchase the one I really like again (Perfekt). Isn't that idiotic?

I need a good concealer, most of them make my skin peely (even if looks smooth pre-concealer as soon as I put makeup on, dry skin flakes appear). The Nars one sounds good when I click on the link... maybe I'll try it.

I really don't understand what Christ is freaking out about. Why the drama Chris? Maybe I missed something because I was also playing scrabble and reading a book while I watched.

I did not read the book because I read excerpts and the writing was shit. Also, some people whose opinions I trust read it. However, part of me wants to go see this movie to witness the train wreck first hand and watch pretty people without all their clothing on.

This whole conversation seems based on some absurd assumption that drinking alcohol is synonymous with consenting to sex with anyone who happens to be in the same vicinity. WTF?

I first came upon her playing identical twins separated at birth on As the World Turns in about 1985!

Well I went from skimpy two pieces to tankini with shorts or skirts combo right around my late 30s but the reason why is not one I've read here yet. Protection. The more skin I have covered, the less SPF 2000 I have to slather all over my body on the hour every hour. I've had countless suspicious-for-skin-cancer spots

If you can still fit into it, you can still wear it. ;)

I have a little cat allergy going on and two cats. If I kiss one of them on the top of the head a couple times, my lips swell up and stay swollen for a few hours. (This only works with one cat, not the other.) Sometimes it looks kinda great, sometimes it looks like I took a punch because only one side swells up.

I think she's lovely looking but truth is anything promoted by part of the Kardashian clan is a sure fire way to convince me NOT to buy it. And also, she looks so much like her mother, and I never ever want to be reminded of that terrible excuse for a human being. So... I wish Kendall would go away.