
This is pretty much the worst hair a guy can have in my opinion. No man, no matter how good looking, would be even the tiniest bit appealing to me with this hair because all i can see with this hair is ugly.

If he never rapes again, it will only be because he's afraid of getting caught not because it's a violent, heinous thing to do. At least that's what we can extrapolate from his reaction to getting caught this time.

I really didn't think J Law should've won for Silver Linings Playbook. She was good in it and I like her acting but I just didn't think it was an award winning performance. It wasn't even her best performance. That is still Winter's Bone, a much more challenging role all around that she nailed.

I've never been the kind of person who gets celebrity crushes. Lupita has changed me.

The writer has never been there, right? It's ethnically diverse but the racism is rampant and pugnacious. It's the land of strip malls and super Wal-Marts. It's really hard to find non-chain restaurants. It's flat and so hot you don't want to spend any time outdoors in the summer. And it's a dustbowl full of allergy

Not just you. Had allergies that kept me feeling sick and barely functioning for 6 months a year in Fresno. Everywhere else I've lived (lots of places), I'm fine.

Tori Spelling's husband cheated on his wife WITH Tori... so why did she expect he would not do the same to her. DUH. Best indicator of future behavior is present behavior and all that. Cry me a river. He's a gold digger.

I think it really has to do with a deep sense of loneliness and disconnection. It's really the sense of belonging and being loved and community that the convertee is seeking not the religion itself.

Ha ha ha. I have only heard three of these songs at all: Wrecking Ball, Blurred Lines, and Accidental Racist. I didn't even know Avril and Chad had put out an unholy collaboration of all that sucks! Ignorance really IS bliss.

I agree!

Yea, she is basically never going to be "ugly" no matter how much weight she gains or loses. And Jay Mohr is basically NEVER going to be in her league.

Alcohol. He's a pathetic old drunk.

I would say no, especially with breast surgery when it is to reconstruct after mastectomy or some other injury or deformity. A breast CAN be deformed by an accident. I've never heard of a vulva deformity.

It's the worst kind of plastic surgery ever. Let's convince women that their vulvas are ugly and defective so that they will buy completely unnecessary surgery! Great business model, we'll make lots of money fixing a non-existent problem! Step one: convince women, that their genitals are gross and need fixing! Yay,

If you already feel invisible then maybe it won't change for you as you age. It's a complex issue. I am 43 and I definitely feel I'm rapidly becoming invisible but there is a plus side: random men aren't tripping over themselves to open doors, compliment me, or ask for my phone number anymore. Good, that was never a

Wow, what a stretch. I never imagined a homophobic gay rights oppressor would also be a misogynist!

Who would play her? It would need to be a bi-racial or bi-racial looking actress who could pass herself off as many different ethnicities.

Nope, not difficult at all. Some things are deal breakers period. Like rape and murder.

If a friend of mine raped a child (or anyone really), it would not matter how close we were and how much I loved them. Friendship over. It's not like being friends with someone who makes bad personal choices such as cheating on their spouse, it's like being friends with someone who is a violent, evil child rapist.

In my anecdotal experience, this IS exactly right. And true of every meetup group I've ever attended too. If it's a singles meetup, it's usually ten women per one man. If it's a hiking meetup, the ratio is the same. Even if it's a bowling meetup, the ratio is the same. I used to belong to an outdoor adventures club