He does mean pussy. He calls it "cookie."
He does mean pussy. He calls it "cookie."
He seems to be made of Teflon. No matter how widely known it is that he coerces young (often underage) models into sexual acts, nothing sticks to the guy. He gets away with everything. And not only gets away with it but is treated and paid like he is some sort of god. I can't stand it.
So it sounds like bride was afraid groom was going to kill her... I think?
Indeed, it is weird to see Cindy Crawford's face on a boy... but you could do a lot worse. What I don't get, I suppose what I will never get is how Harry Styles appeals to anyone anywhere. Perhaps he's charismatic? Sometimes I just don't understand pop culture.
Cut A LOT of bangs, then use curling iron and a lot of aqua net!
Well there already is a urine drinking (I believe it's the urine of pregnant ladies) diet and a shit your pants diet, too (ALLY), so a shit bacteria diet sounds like a logical next step.
Maybe he can write songs with Bret Michaels.
Basically they are saying that SKIN is disgusting and contributing to a beauty and surgery machine that makes it's money off convincing people that normal things are deformities. Like skin. And labia.
Nice comparison! But no, not FML! Truly, lots of people would love to have a 200K house.
"The correct weight for a girl five foot two inches tall is 119 pounds. The average screen player of this height is only 108 pounds."
I'm sure she never felt pretty growing up either. Poor child.
Well maybe his victims don't see it as a slap in the face, maybe they see it as "thank fucking god that monster is no longer on this earth. Good riddance!" At least I hope that is how they feel, because while I may have the same sentiments as the reporter, I do not want the three young woman he brutalized to feel…
It seems unfair to me that he did not have to endure his captivity as his victims had to endure theirs.
Agreed. I find it easy to believe that Miley had no INTENTION of being racist. But that, of course, doesn't mean it wasn't.
Same here and I've been doing it since I was old enough to stockpile food under my bed... and now I'm 43 and no closer to controlling it. And in the past year, I put on 35 lbs. So there's that. I'm still not obese though, I'm still within a "normal" weight range according to the doctor, so it still doesn't count,…
Also a Portland resident and don't care about any of those things either but I have to admit I know a shit ton of people who do care about gluten free tacos. I am so sick and tired of hearing and seeing the word gluten.
There are just SO many of these guys. This isn't rare, that's the problem.
Did her boyfriend end up in the hospital with severe wounds? Did she threaten to and attempt to murder him? I haven't followed her case but it sounded a whole lot less serious in terms of severity / violence. That doesn't mean it's AOK, just not comparable to what CB did. Could pick another male celebrity domestic…
I love fashion, generally speaking. I love love love looking at beautiful, weird, or interesting clothing and finding new ways of combining different pieces to make a new look. But the fashion industry sounds awful. Full of predators AND full of the most pretentious people who act like they are the second coming of…