
I find blow jobs incredibly boring, puts me to sleep.

I have mixed feelings about the MENSA thing. On the one had, I like it when beautiful women debunk the stereo type that hot women are dumb women (see also Sharon Stone). On the other hand, I can't help but feel that joining a "we're smarter than everyone else" club is pretentious.

What I will never understand is how people like him (and like Ann Coulter) are even granted a public platform in the first place. And paid! Someone pays that man. He clearly has no analytical skills and no knowledge about the subject matter he is talking about (30% of women in porn); he is no more knowledgeable then a

Adam Levine leaves me cold. Like I am aware that he is not an ugly man objectively but he just comes across as so unlikable to me that all I see in every expression he makes is... ugliness.

Chris D'Elia might as well have typed "I am a fucking idiot."

It kind of sounds like a salespitch for having an affair. It's possible that the writer's husband knows and is a-okay with her extra-curricular intimate partner, but that's probably not the case.

It was my first thought too and i have never watched that show. It's just cause her makeup is ridiculous and she has strong features to start with. I don't think she's flattering herself much, but her fashion sense is probably the least of her problems. Plus, she doesn't give a shit what I think.

Everything you said, yes yes yes!

I was shocked to learn that people didn't like Sklyer... let alone detested her because I have always found her to be a complex, sympathetic character with a dose of bad ass mixed in. It's totally puzzling to me.

Wow, she's really got quite an amazing talent for witty repoirtee.

I just figured out who that ridiculous One Direction guy reminds me of. He has the same fashion sensibility and expressions as original Little Rascal Butch!

I think I hit my peak nudity happiness at 16 or 17. Probably because I learned the lessons of the fashion, beauty and entertainment industries all too well. Firm, taut teenage bodies are good. Bodies that don't look teenaged i.e. look womanly are bad. Plus back then fashion mags listed the cover models height, weight,

The GOP has managed to convince the working masses that providing that kind of care is akin to providing free handouts to too-lazy to work fuck-ups. It kills me how effective the Republican machine is at getting people to vote against their own best interests.

I don't get on a scale ever anymore as it was fucking with my head. And at the doctor's, I request to NOT be told and that they do not put it on my health print out, which they do comply with. But then I did the zipline over Fremont Street in Las Vegas in March, and with no warning, you are suddenly asked to step on

My dad AND my mom have been doing this to me since childhood. They are like the gossip rags too, I am either "too skinny, you look sick and gaunt" or "Whoa, nice double chin, you pregnant?"

Yea, you sound like your doing a great job staying healthy and fit and it sounds like your body is at the weight it is meant to be, what some in the conscious eating movement call your natural set point, or the weight your body is when you eat and exercise reasonably (no diets!). Society as a whole needs to stop

I'm halfway with you. I loathe "the every thing happens for a reason" train of thought. Like she wasn't stabbed 32 times so that she could meet the love of her life, she was stabbed 32 times because a violent criminal stabbed her.

Yeah, how about 12 year olds in the 80s? That's when i devoured these books.

I hear you. Physical attraction can die but to state that she "isn't good looking enough FOR him," is a whole different ball of wax. One where he's making judgments about her value / worthiness based on where he thinks she lands on the fuckability scale in his head. Like he thinks he's a 9 and she's only a 6, and

A girl who bullied me and the guy who date raped me in high school have both sent me friend requests. AS IF AS IF AS IF AS IF AS IF.