Tim Riggins Tim Riggins Tim Riggins! That's all I got.
Tim Riggins Tim Riggins Tim Riggins! That's all I got.
All stalkers are the TRUE victims. It's in the stalker bible that they all seem to live by. I swear, they all say the same shit.
I really wish someone had a count of how many times Aniston has been pregnant according to magazines. And how many supposed baby daddies there are. It's truly ridiculous. They must hire people with absolutely no imagination to keep redoing the same story for two decades.
She can be a feminist and I hope she is but feminist role model? I could never look up to anyone who thinks it's sexy and cute to play the "I'm just a dumb little girl" act that all three of those Kardashian girls play. Hell no.
I feel similarly about "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Not always asshole! Sometimes what doesn't kill you leaves you as a shell of your former self and unable to function successfully or maintain a normal life.
Totally looks like a toddler outfit with the poufy short / skirt thing made to go over diapers. Awful. From the waist up she's good, from the waist down it's OMG-WTF!
I like Taylor Swift's bathing suit and I also think she is a gorgeous girl with a nice body. However, I do not like that bathing suit on her either. It's just unflattering for some reason, like I think it makes her look oddly proportioned. It might look great on a different body, maybe a petite girl for instance, but…
SS doesn't sound honest to me either, she sounds like she's determined to present an aging is awesome front. However, I'm not sure that's a bad thing. Sometimes we need to convince ourselves as much as anyone else. Sometimes it's better to find things to like instead of dwelling on our sense of loss or fear or…
Yea. I am getting this too and I'm 43. And when I was 13, 23, and 33 I was still getting a lot of attention out and about in the world from boys and men but that wasn't good either because lots of it was negative, like catcalling and compliments from strangers who follow it with "fuck you stuck up bitch," if you don't…
"intoxicated teen-agers are the world’s worst thinkers..."
I don't think you understand what snarking means.
Yea, don't read it. Criticizing her for going out and enjoying herself at a music show is just beyond ridiculous and anyone who is doing so probably leads a very small, miserable life.
She IS quite pretty in that photo, but that photo is a PRE-plastic surgery photo. Her nose is nothing like that now. Now it's a tight, tragic looking point ski slope that looks awful.
I have been having shit nightmares for at least 30 years! Basic premise is that I have to go to the bathroom badly and I can't find a bathroom that has usable toilets anywhere, they are overflowing with shit or they are in a big open room and you have to go completely in public and they are still filthy so you have to…
OMG yes, ding ding ding. I think this is it exactly. It's a real problem but maybe not an addiction, per se.
I really think my friend is one, whether it's categorized as an addiction or a disorder. She gets blasted drunk and has random anonymous sex with men she meets in bars a lot (she travels for business and takes them back to her hotel room or just does it in a hallway or bathroom). She also has regular fuck buddies,…
Thank you thank you thank you. This gold is now on my iPod. It's in both my running and party playlists. Awesome.
Absolutely. Admittedly, I really really want to add it to my iTunes to replace the original, I already liked the song and it just sounds even better with these women singing. They are all great but that lead singer, she's got some excellent swagger on top of a great voice.
The actress playing Andrea was THIRTY years old in the first episode of 90210. And I don't know how old Dylan was but he had impressive forehead wrinklage.
Taking a multi-vitamin with a glass of plain water is obviously better and more effective than drinking a bunch of sugar water with some vitamins thrown in it. Yeah, it's a junk food for sure, I don't know the rules about marketing but anyone who can read can see the sugar content.