
I agree, that show showed that most addicts are people in intense pain, who somewhere along the way discovered that their substance of choice temporarily relieved that pain. There were very few back stories that did NOT include something very traumatic. And I think there are two groups of addicts, those who are self

I dated a boy in highschool whose family had a live-in housekeeper and cook. Except the house was never really very clean and she didn't cook that often and she retired early and stayed right there living with them (for free in her retirement). They had so much room in that big old house, my boyfriend's parents almost

Seriously, Trayvon was the person in the equation that "stand your ground" should've applied to since he was the one who was approached and threatened...

Gee, that sounds a hell of a lot like a women "asking for it" [to be raped] if she wears skimpy clothing. Victim blaming much?

I've looked at People of Walmart but my reaction wasn't "oh, hilarious, I am so superior" (not saying yours was btw), my reactions was "how depressing!"

I feel like Helen is mostly beloved just because she is so gorgeous, and not because she's really that awesome (I recall some comments about date rape as more of a negotiation between the sexes or some awful thing like that). Would she be held in such high esteem if she weren't so good looking? I feel like that's most

I've had boyfriends that I wasn't attracted to when I first met them and then grew to love, or thought I did. In both relationships, I ended up going full circle and coming back to a place of not being attracted to them at all, just like when I first met them. And then wondering why I tried to force it and concluding

Maybe, I do love pizza.

Well that was nice of you but in my mind, the wedding is about the two people getting married and no one else's opinion should count! (and trying to impose on you otherwise, just shows that they are thinking of themselves, and not about what you want)

I will never understand the desire for a big, fancy wedding. It all sounds like a nightmare to me. I did get married once, and it was in my parent's backyard with a keg and sandwiches (there was also a gazebo and a dance floor, it wasn't totally low rent) and there were about 40 people and that was STILL too much. If

Even without being a parent, I can see that Bill Burr's comparison is idiotic.

I am not a mom and YET I don't think being a mom is easier than working, at all. Here is what I do think (and I am not a rocket scientist but I am also not a dumb bunny).

The SF MOMA had an exhibit that included the artists childhood stuffed animals rolled in mud and put in a pile and her portrait of her mother, which was 150 lbs of hard candy put into the corner of the museum. Her mom weighs 150 lbs and is sweet.

Ty Ty Baby's love affair with herself? Still going strong.

Sofia Vergara annoys the shit out of me. Every single time I've seen her interviewed she steers it to her looks. Usually to how she loves her breasts and her curves. I have ZERO issue with women being confident and enjoying their looks but that's not how she comes across. How she comes across is crowing about she

Plus he has Bieber's old little boy hairstyle. Never a good thing.

The "oops I just crapped my pants but it's all good cause I'm wearing saggy ass diaper skinny jeans."

They narcissistic psychopaths... they all got the same handbook. They say and do almost the exact same things no matter how old they are, how they were raised, where they are from. Textbook. And because of that, yep, I doubt she strangled him. These narcissistic psychopaths are most often in relationships where the

They are all innocent. It was my fault my ex-boyfriend got into fights at bars (even though we'd already broken up and I wasn't with him); it was my fault he had to show up at my work because I wouldn't take his calls; it was my fault he was threatening my life because I had no right NO RIGHT to remove myself from his

Laura Beck, the headline, she's 29! Also, I can't wait to see this.