
The only reason to put a wig on a baby would be to cover up a 666 birthmark.

He is just the epitome of "tool."

I am interested in this story and thus, was so dismayed when Seyfriend was cast. She is just an empty vessel, a blank screen, she doesn't telegraph any emotion. The only role she was good in was her part in Mean Girls. Les Miz? She had ZERO chemistry with her love interest and nothing to offer but a pretty face with

I really hope this awful bride person sees this and reads all these comments. She deserves it.

For real. The two idiots getting married decided what the per head cost was going to be, not the guest. Guests aren't customers, they aren't paying for their dinner and the (probably painful) entertainment. Guest implies that they are being treated to the event to which they are invited, and not being asked to

I can't even tell what she is recommending... if you don't fuck him the night you meet him he won't even remember you. Do fuck him the night you meet him, he won't remember you. The three day rule (say what?) doesn't exist but she doesn't fuck a guy until the third time they meet up, so isn't she like, the nice

I know, I was thinking that the write up for Cheryl Burke should say "has received harsh criticism for her weight FROM US..."

Yeah, the "punk" princess and the "hard rocker." What a perfect match! Bwa ha ha ha.

Uh, she did have a chin implant and a nose job though, very early in her career. I've read pre-surgery the asshats around the studio referred to her as the "chinless wonder."

I refuse to even remotely suggest that I have anything in common with Paris Hilton, but yeah, shopping binges are usually really about trying to buy a pleasurable experience and soothe oneself for something that is lacking (like maybe love or connection or community). I have three closets stuffed with clothes, many

Heidi liked it! It was good for laughs, that's for sure. Funny kids.

Justin Bieber just ALWAYS looks like an idiot because of the way he dresses. It's like he's a clown. I know he didn't originate that look, it's been around for a loooong time and he's just copying but I swear to god that the guys who first started dressing like that (in what? the early 90s maybe) were just pulling a

I know, right? It makes me think she had plastic surgery before she married the old guy. Everything looks different, nose, boobs, etc. And yes, she looked great and it just makes me feel sorry for her that she thought she wasn't good enough and had to go out and disfigure herself.

I thought Toni Collette was Lisa Kudrow. I like them both and have never seen a similarity until now. Maybe it's just the hair.

So what about the Korean American girl who was considered one of the ring leaders. Is she still in the movie? How come this isn't mentioned?

I've always found there to be much more variation between individuals then there is between genders.

The thing is you are the exception and not the rule. The article assumes that women do the vast majority of the housework and though I don't think any supporting studies were cited to support that, I think there have been plenty that do find it's still true.

How do you know so much? Did you read some book about him? That era in Hollywood? I am fascinated by that time period in Hollywood so am curious and also if you know this from reading some book, do you recommend it?

I just will never understand how anyone can think that extent of photoshopping looks BETTER in the first place. That after on that gorgeous model, through her limbs and torso, just looks like a cartoon.

I left in 06 but had really cooled on it in the early 00's. It just didn't seem the same anymore and had gotten way too crowded, too. Zeitgeist will always hold a special place in my heart though because I got in there with a fake ID when I was 17 in 1987 and THAT was an experience.