
My old city in the news again. Zeitgeist and the tamale lady are supposed to go together. Man, did I love me some Zeitgeist back in the 90s but I either got too old or the scene changed too much and the a-holes took over.

I agree with you but I still struggle with it. I consider myself fashionable, and I love fashion. I have three closets full of clothes! But, as a 43 year old I do sometimes wonder, am I too old to wear that now? Will someone say I am mutton dressed like lamb? Will I look ridiculous, or like I am just trying too hard?

I'm not missing SF today either. Portland is a-okay.

I wish we could just agree that ALL diets are dumb. No one needs a diet book or a diet plan or diet recipes. What every study seems to come down to is that real, natural foods are healthy for you and not all bodies are meant to be the same weight. So eat mostly healthy foods and if you have a serious craving for a

I don't know about her twerking, but Miley's outfit is fabulous. Love the pants!

Quitting smoking at age 36 after 21 years as a regular wake up in the morning and have a cigarette every day kind of smoker was as hard as any bad breakup I've been through; it was as hard as divorce. I just had to tell myself that one day when I wake up it will be better, same as I had to tell myself when

And here I am wishing that I had friends who WOULD set me up with someone. It has never happened.

jolie laide is the term.

It's sticky territory. I think there are lots of situations where consent is not emphatic and the water is murky. There was a time when a guy I was on a date with wanted to have sex and I didn't, we hadn't had sex yet, and it was too early in the relationship for me. I said no SEVERAL times but then later in the

I still miss models on the covers of magazines. I don't care about actresses. I really really don't care about reality TV people, heiresses and TV "personalities."

hahahahahahahahaha... sometimes people do get what they deserve. He must feel he has something to hide as if he really thinks he is as hot as he pretends to be, he wouldn't be so worried about people seeing him in flagrante.

I googled her and it's very very clear in some of the photos that she has ass implants. Still a tiny waist but not at all a natural body.

So, what if you never have any kids? You don't turn into your mom ever? I am 43 and the only similarities I see between my mom and me is that the older I get the more of a worry wart I become and she is a worry wart too. We hold completely different values and have completely different morals though. Polar opposites.

Popshifter, I was in FT Francisco Torres. I don't know what it was about UCSB but it was worse that anywhere else I'd been before or since when it came to stuff like that. I remember being at parties (and no, NOT frat parties) where someone would turn off the lights and then guys would grab breasts and butts. I was

In 1989, I lived in a ten story dorm at UC Santa Barbara on a coed floor. The elevator doors opened into each floor's lounge / TV room so you'd step onto the floor to an audience of people sitting around the TV. The guys on my floor would habitually greet any girl coming off the elevator with "Hey would you like to

Putting the baffling rage and violent reaction aside, these attackers also seem to not know what "rape" means and have completely confused rape with sexual desire and / or fuckability.

She has got to be one of the least interesting / entertaining TV personalities ever. But for inexplicable reasons, people keep buying. None of those Kardashians are witty, or funny, or interesting at all. Nor do they bring anything original to the table. I continue to not understand.

If it's in my price range, I would totally buy wild rubber jewelry!

You just made me like it!

I like pregnant woman portraits generally but Lara Stone's pose looks uncomfortable and has a disturbed look on her face.