
It sounds bad on the surface but we don't know anything about it. Lots of people request no funeral and then some family members hold them anyway. Lots of people like to say their goodbyes in different ways, ways other than attending funerals. We just don't know.

Is that a photo of Shirley Temple?

How hard is it to limit your pot smoking to your own home, and not public places, in the same building as your own home? Duh.

I find him kind of hot in a low down dirty way when he is all scruffed up and playing an asshole murderer like in Kalifornia. Cleaned up prettified Brad is far too pretty for me.

It makes you effing old along with me. :) I don't really think I'm that old; there are just a lot of young pups out here on Jezebel. I get up to Canada at least once a year and I love the cider there. Mmm cider. And I love drinking it with Canadians too.

Well I didn't correlate anything with anything else, or imply any kind of causation, or contradict this study, or comment on the study results at all. So all of your comments have had nothing to do with what I wrote, which implies that you misread my intention, troll.

What the hell is Ramona Singer LOLing about? Maybe drunk tweeting? She is really a sad POS.

I think you're just a troll or maybe you might be wrong in your analysis - and I know you're wrong about my intent.

still not trying to make or prove any points, but curious as to what yours is.

I can not remember where I read it to the site source but I did see an article that found through extensive research that people who exercise more drink more, too. But I wasn't trying to prove anything with my anecdote, I was just sharing my own experience as we tend to on Jez.

I have read numerous times that alcoholism runs at higher rates among those with eating disorders than those without.

Well I'm effing old and I still exceed 7 drinks a week most weeks. And here's what may be most interesting to others about this. I am very active, I am on a couple different sports teams and I run a lot of races, and the people I know who do these things with me... we all drink a lot. We work hard, play hard. After we

I just feel like Kylie Jenner is doomed. Poor kid.

I don't think this is what you meant but I believe her given name is Mandy Smith. I tend to like her, she seems down to earth and relatable in interviews. But when I heard that, I thought "Well, why did she do that? She wanted a more pretentious stage name? What?"

Wasn't Calvin Klein married for decades to Kelly Klein? Do I have that wrong? Did they divorce when he finally came out and picked up this kid?

Once a rapist, always a rapist. Mike Tyson gets no love from me, he is still a fucking rapist. Nor does wife beater Billy Bob Thornton. I don't know who Charles Ramsey is but sounds like I wouldn't love him much either.

I had no idea they had mini swim skirts then, #3 in the first ad and #1 in the second ad look like swim skirts you'd buy today.

Maybe she's too young to have seen Sigourney Weaver bring it in Alien. Respectable and kicking ass, it was done before Angeline Jolie.

Who is the woman in the red bikini on the cover of the Best Bodies cover? I can't palce who that is. And I think the other one is Jessica Alba (looking 15 years old) but I'm not sure.

Oooo this makes me mad. "Nothing, just don't eat like a hippo." Right. As if that's all women need to do to look good. Exercise not required, eh? So it's like women SHOULD all look good cause it's easy and shit. But men need to be given a break because they have to work SO much harder at it then women. Riiiiight. Poor