
This one is the true problem for me: What exactly is going to happen when I reach magical X pounds? Because I have hit that number several times in the past 15 years and so I know exactly what is going to happen and how I will feel and what will change and not change and it is ALL GOOD stuff to me so it only makes me

Very very rarely are 18 year old boys prosecuted for having 15 year old girlfriends. Extremely rare. But part of this conversation is about homophobia, so for that reason, it is different.

"Avril Lavigne "doesn't believe" in chasing men so she let her fiancee Chad Kroegerchase her." How fucking punk rock of her.

I used to work with this girl whose husband thought vaginas were nasty dirty so he would absolutely not have sex with her unless she showered first to clean the filthy thing. She thought this was normal male behavior and took her pre-sex showers to be a normal thing to do. When I and another co-worker told her that

No, he would not say "I'm a monkey..." because he is not a monkey, he is an ape! Monkeys and apes are not the same, it's not interchangeable. Chimpanzees are apes!

How do you know she did this? Does she have a criminal record? More detail please!

I do think Farrah SHOULD be ashamed of herself for many, many thing, but "being a whore" is not one of them.

I think pregnancy scare = keep name in the news, extend 15 minutes of fame

"the fact that she is where she is as far as success on TV is not something white people like..."

Yes, I love love love her freckles. Power to the freckle. On ladies of all ethnicities.

Sean Bean is hot.

For reals. This doesn't mean Will Smith is actually considering it, does it? Sure fire way to make sure your child is a complete and total entitled asshole? Let them have their own place at age 15.

Audrina Patridge tweets like the most boring person alive.

Macauley Culkin just makes me sad. He looks like such an unhappy person in every photo I've seen of him as an adult. Sadness just radiates off him. This plan of his to live with a desperate hopeless drug addict can't end well.

Julianne Hough's look is ruined by the bazillion black safety pins all over her blond hair.

Yeah. boyfriend is guilty of being a shitty boyfriend, the rapist is guilty of being a rapist. But I can see how the victim would feel that way even if it's not technically anyone's fault but THE RAPIST'S.

She would acquit herself much much better if she just said "no comment!" Gawd, girl own your actions or don't say anything about it but don't pretend you signed on for a boudoir photography shoot and that shoot somehow got turned into a full-on porno. You are fooling no one. I am not about slut shaming at all, but

This man would be excluded from his own club ten times over based on his physical appearance.

Aww, I love this Denise Richards love fest. But what I find hard to understand is that she seems so normal, and sane, and grounded, how did she ever end up with Charlie Sheen in the first place? How did she ever think he seemed like a good idea? That's what I want to know!

Um duh, Jennifer Aniston.